Letter of apology.

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Rome's pov:

I'd so much of shit to do, but all I really wanted to do was talk to Kate, so that this sinking fucking feeling went away.

My mind wandered off to the instance when I was a kid, sitting in my father's lap listening him talk about mama.

"You know Roe, your mama was a beautiful woman, she was elegant, wise and everything a person can aspire to be. Maidens looked up to her and men wanted to be with her, everywhere she went her charisma hypnotized everyone present. She was the only woman I've ever loved and will do. And you know what was that she said was the most important part of marriage?"

I'd asked "What?" looking at him so much as to without blinking because I feared he might stop talking about it once again if I did.

"Respect. Always respect your spouse and never hurt them intentionally. Respect is the root cause of all marriage infedilities, A person cheat's on yout partner because you do not respect their boundaries. A person hurts their partner because they do not respect their emotions enough. A person cannot trust their partner because their wants and emotions have not been respected at some stage. So you see, respect is the biggest part of a good marriage." He said, looking at me with so much sincerity and honesty that the moment had ingrained in the back of my mind.

"I'm not sure if you will like your spouse or not, but please for you mama and me, respect her Roe. A woman is the strongest yet most delicate on this planet. She's delicate enough to be broken over your disrespect but strong enough to never show it and let her guard down once again. Give marriage and love a try and you shall be rewarded with emotions strong enough to bring tides to hold, and kings to bow." He said patting my head soothingly.

I was too young then to understand the depth of the words but now that I recollect those memories, I'm afraid I might've made a mistake too fucking big man.

"Jackson, call Dante and Luca."

Dante strolled in just a few moments later with Luca on his foot, both sitting infront of me.

"Did you get any information?"

"Yes Don, David's main account has sent chunks of money to different bank accounts overseas all sending the money to multiple different accounts again. It is hard to keep track of all of them in such a short notice. I think he knows we might be looking into his things which is why he's extra cautious. Anyways the last few accounts have all been either US Bank accounts, Asian or Russian." Luca informed me.

"Get our cyber team and track him from head to toe for every little movement." I replied, time was crucial and we had to act fast.

"Okay Don."

"Luca what's the movement on everyone?"

"Don, Maxwell has left with private jet yesterday without informing anyone else but was last seen with Rocco's sister Hazel at 3 in the morning near the suburbs. One of our men spotted them while running errands." Dante said.

"Put one of our men behind Hazel and track down all her movements and let me know if she makes another move to be in touch with Maxwell. I think she's trying to take revenge for Ricco's death. And who else could be happier than Maxwell to take revenge on me. Don't let them get any proof's from the day of encounter against me, give sufficient money to everyone that was present in that room that day to keep their mouth's shut." I said getting up to leave.

"And this stack is all done, with the next month's dealings that are to be made cleared, just relook at them once and sign them before sending out. I'm done for the day."

I walked out of the office, to our backyard, and loosened my buttons finally taking a breath of air.

I walked into the hall area and called out for Martha, on cue she came out, "Yes dear?"

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