Max Shadow.

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A famous assassin knows as Max Shadow continues to work in a company called "Assassinations Wealth." He is the most skilled assassin no one has ever known. He is famous, yet, chooses to stay away from people's attention. No one knows him except the company he works for. Max as a child, dreamed of making the world a better place. I'm sure most people have. But, he thought in a different way, instead of just defeating the villains as heroes, why not make them disappear forever? Now here today, he's on for a mission.

It was a sunny day. Max woke up at 6 A.M. Though he lives alone, he can do anything for himself. He made some scrambled eggs for breakfast. After eating and washing his face, he calls his boss.

"When should I be there?"
"Just arrive in 30 minutes, don't be late Max. This is important."
"Got it."

Max gets ready for his mission. He wore a black suit with a nice hat. Then, he stepped his feet outside. Feeling the success that he'll make in this mission. The company was located in a secret place. It was under a Jewellery shop. The workers of that shop are a part of that company too. So they don't say anything when a mysterious looking guy in a black suit with a smile on his face walks inside the shop and opens the tap door that leads to that company.

"Yo Max, you're here for a mission again?"
"Yeah. Boss told me this time is a special time for me. Heh."
"Nice. Me and Andy just finished with a customer buying our most expensive necklace. Take a look at this clean one thousand dollar, and another, and another! Make that 20,000 dollars."
"I see you guys are doing great. Keep up haha."

Max went inside the company. It was like a whole building down there. It had tons of other assassins working there too. Max looks for his boss in his office. With a strange look on his face, he didn't find him there. He asked his assistant Mary,

"Hey Mary, have you seen Mr.Rony by any chance?"
"Oh yes actually. He said that he wants you to meet him at a cafe."
"A cafe?"
"Yeah. The name is 'Regina's Cafe.'"
"Okay, I'll go there but why does he want me to go meet him at a...Cafe?"
"I'm not sure. You should go. Before you're late."
"Oh yeah, see you, bye Mary!"
"Goodbye Mr. Shadow."

Max ran quickly to the cafe. It wasn't really that far. Just 20 minutes away from that jewellery shop. Max reached there in 10 minutes. He saw his boss there sitting and drinking coffee outside the cafe. He went there.

"Um, hey boss. Called me here?"
*Rony turns around* "Oh- Oh yeah! Hey Max! Nice to see you again with that same old suit."
"Yes I called you here. Sit."
"Okay..?" *Max sits.*
"Why are we in a cafe though?"
"This cafe is is my favourite. I don't really like staying inside my office all day. The air conditioner doesn't work well and it smells like fish in there."
"Haha...So um, what's my mission...?"
"Oh yes, there's a school I want you to go to. There's been a lot of killing sprees going on in that school. Everyday, 2-3 kids gets murdered by I don't know whom. But I did find a clue that the killer always wears a red hoodie and a beanie. It's not that easy to find him. Just try your best like you always do, mkay?"
"Woah. I guess I can try..."
"If you're feeling stressed, just grab a coffee here. The menu is GREAT!"
"Haha, it's okay, I better get going now, what's the school name..?"
"Kingston Junior High School."
"Okay. What's the address?"
"It should be around this area. Just ask a taxi driver. He'll take you."
"Alright. How much do I get paid for this?"
"1,000 dollars."
"Jeeeeeeeeez. I am gonna treat myself tonight with that money."
"Hah. Let's see if you can."


Since this is my first experience as a wattpad writer, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments and let me know how I wrote it.

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