Chapter 48: Preparations and Pitiless Mind!

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The day after receiving news of the evil god appearing near the capital. The only ones concerned were Darkness, and surprisingly, Megumin.

She's been all jittery and distantly looking out the window, trying to be edgy. At first, I brushed it off, thinking that the phrase 'evil god' lit a fuse in her brain or something and that she'd be over it the next day.

"Y/N? Come, let us go to the capital together! It's now time for us to make a grand entrance!"

Well, I was wrong. She beamed while looking down at me collapsed on the ground after another training session from Darkness, which was more akin to torture than anything else.

Catching my breath, I barely registered her words and replied between heavy breaths,

"What entrance? The capital? Is your Crimson Demon blood boiling again? I'm busy dying over here, so I'd rather stay here on this cozy grass."

"Stop talking nonsense. Is this the extent of your love for me? I thought if I acted like a maiden in distress, you'd come running to my rescue. But no, it's not only about me; even that brat Iris can be in danger! This is a matter of life and death; we cannot let ourselves fall into complacency!"

Hearing her passionate and animated speech so early in the morning, I managed to raise my head to look at her.

She always did those epic motivational speeches to get me to do the most menial tasks with her.

"Life and death, my ass. You're still hung up on those news from the paper yesterday? Don't worry, the country has crazy military strength and Iris; that girl alone is enough to send a whole battalion home, or even more than that. I'm sure everything will be fine... Wait, I shouldn't have said that."

"Yes, I'm still 'hung up' on what we've read from the newspaper. I'm very bothered by the general of the Demon King's army known as an evil god. You see, didn't I tell you about Chomusuke's true identity last time? It's just my gut feeling, but I think Chomusuke's that evil god."

"But Chomusuke's here, and the evil god is there. Unless that furball can teleport or has godly speed, your story doesn't quite stick. Also, that evil god of yours was being chased by a chick earlier," I said bluntly to her serious face.

No matter how I looked at it, that story didn't make sense. Also, an evil god didn't sound like a mini-boss-type enemy. If anything, it gave off the chilling feeling of a final boss. Everyone knows that first the heroes have to go through a training arc, which I was currently in the middle of doing, unlike a certain Japanese bum.

Besides, the one proclaiming herself to be a goddess had her good sides, and that evil god sounded like something she'd have no problem with dealing with. But then again, Aqua's Aqua.

Megumin's serious expression didn't falter as she replied with a small frown, "I'm not asking you to fight with the Demon King's general, Y/N. Please, I need to resolve this. You just need to accompany me and stay by my side."





"Ughhhhhhhhh... What do you plan to do with that general if not fight?"

That prompted her to break her unyielding gaze, and she looked away with a troubled expression.

"I... I can't tell you yet. I'm sorry. But please... I can't do this without you."

That look that was plastered on her face, I hated seeing her like that because she always hid something behind it. In this case, I knew it was something serious.

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