Chapter 14: The Loner Appears!

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After Darkness went to deal with that fatass lord, she didn't come back the next day.

"So cold... someone warm me up... Y/N, lend me your scarf, please..." Aqua was sitting on the cool floor, shaking from the cold.

"No way... everything but my scarf..." I grumbled, curled up in a ball on the floor.


"What's wrong with you?!"

"Don't yeeelll... my head's going to hurt..."

Out of nowhere, Kazuma's scream echoed throughout the empty mansion.

"Don't you two get it?! Darkness went to that lord yesterday and never came back! She's probably..."

Suddenly all the color from Aqua's face disappeared and she too began to yell.


"Wait, what do you..." Our holy knight wasn't so holy anymore. That's what we thought at that time at least.



"Megumin? What's with the cat."

Megumin came back through the front door, holding a small jet-black cat. The weird part was that it had a red cross on its forehead and small bat-like wings. But I didn't care in the slightest. A cat is a cat. And so, I must pet.

"I doubt she'll cause much trouble so..."

"You want to keep her?" Kazuma asked while scratching the cat's chin.

"Is that alright?"

"Her fate was sealed once you stepped with her into this domain. Now hand over the feline." I said glamorously, outstretching my hands.

Kazuma only shot me a look full of repulsion, but Megumin, on the other hand, was ecstatic to say the least.

"*Gasp* What a cool line, Y/N! For that, you can hold her." She said, handing the cat over to me with a satisfied smile.

"I hope you know that you're not getting her back."

"I guess there's no other choice then. We can keep her." Kazuma said with a sigh.

"Ow! Hey, why'd she only scrath me?!" Aqua recoiled in pain after the cat's assault on her hand.

"She clearly knows to keep away from the weird ones."I commented while petting the animal approvingly.

"You're the one to talk..."

"Hmpf! Between that black fur and imperious attitude, I can sense a malevolent aura emanating from that beast! So what do you call this little demon?" Aqua asked while tending to her hand.



"What'd you-"

"She's Chomusuke."


"Could've been worse actually."

"Oi! If you have something to say about her name, let's hear it!"

"Chomusuke protect me!" I shielded myself with the cat while fending off an enraged Megumin.


"Satou Kazuma! Is Satou Kazuma here?!"

The prosecutor, Sena, barged in through the front door.


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