Chapter 26: "You'll always be mine, you little dummy."

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 "-And so you came into my place without any hesitation?"

As soon as Kazuma saw the opportunity to stay in the castle longer, he grabbed it with both of his hands and refused to let go.

After he heard about the chivalrous thief, a plan appeared in his head. Drag out the investigation of this thief as long as possible to freeload in the castle. Claire, however, ruined his master plan.

According to her plan, we had to move into the residence of a noble we suspected the thief would target next. Meaning no staying in the castle.

There was also no backing down, because pretty much everyone who's been on the party the princess organized knew about this plan and cheered us on to take down the thief.

"Actually, I don't mind if they rob this guy." I whispered to the rest of the group.

The one I was referring to was the person who owned the villa we were currently standing outside of. Alderp, the lord of Axel. The same person who almost got Kazuma executed.

He stood at the entrance to his manor and started eyeing the girls.

First he stared at Darkness as if he was imagining her nude, but noticing Kazuma's look, he changed his target to Aqua.

"Oh... Oh! As expected of Lady Dustiness's companion, how beautiful! If I'm to compare... That's right! Your beauty's just like a goddess!"

"Just like a goddess? I am a goddess! The real one!"

"Hah, not only that, but your sense of humor is great too!"

Then his eyes moved to Megumin.

"Oh, you're really..." He trailed off as one of his guards whispered something to him.

With knitted brows, I glued my eyes to Alderp and awaited his response.

"Screw loose...?! So... Dangerous?" I was able to hear bits and pieces of his conversation with the guard.

The lord averted his eyes as his expression kept changing softly.

"Hey, why'd you avert your eyes away from me, explain it to me. Or do you want me to show you if I'm really what that guard of yours said?" When she ended threatening his life, she glanced over at me with a smug expression.

I knew what she wanted from me and, to be honest, I was happy to oblige.

"No, no... Um, you look really cute and pretty... and-"

"-And this conversation is over. Just show us around the house already, since we all know that you're the most likely to be targeted." I sternly cut the lord off, blocking his view of Megumin.

When I glanced behind me at her, a satisfied expression was plastered all over her face.

I rolled my eyes with a soft blush and faced Alderp again.

"A-Anyway, Lady Dustiness, are you implying that I'm a notorious noble who might be targeted by the chivalrous thief? It pains me that someone as famous as you, Lady Dustiness, would believe the bad rumors against me."

"I-It's all part of the investigation... We wouldn't suspect you in that way." Darkness started making excuses in a panic.

I firmly grabbed Megumin's hand and dragged her past Darkness and entered the mansion. I had no intention of leaving her with that lustful man for even a second longer.

My sudden action even made her blush in surprise.

"Whether you want it or not, we have permission to stay here for as long as we want. I-"

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