Chapter 31: The Price of Death!

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"-Something about misfortune happening upon Darkness' father and apparently our meat-head will do something stupid to fix the problem... Are you even listening to me?"

"... Yeah. What was that about misfortune?"

After everyone returned home from Wiz's, Kazuma gave me a quick briefing in the living room.

Apparently our friendly neighborhood duke of hell gave Darkness a not-so-nice divination. According to him, something bad will happen to Darkness' father and she'll do something selfish and stupid to save the day. In the end, her father will live in regret and sorrow for the rest of his life.

"Oh, right! He also said that our Lalatina-sama was posing in the mirror with Megumin's dress, and that every night she-"

Oh yeah. Also there was that.

A shame Darkness had to knock out Kazuma when he was getting to the good part.

"Emperor Zell!" Aqua happily skipped over to Megumin, who handed her the egg. "Mommy missed you so much! Did he cause a lot of trouble for you?"

"N-No, not at all. I'm sure that when he finally hatches he'll be a very well behaved dragon!"

"How is a literal chicken egg going to cause any trouble anyway?"

"Did you make sure he had a lot of heat? Did you sat him in front of the fireplace?" Aqua was burying Megumin with questions as she gently patted the egg on her lap.

"Yes, I did. Don't worry, I took very good care of him. I didn't lose sight of him for even a second." Megumin grinned and then glanced at me. Immediately when our eyes met, we averted the gaze with reddened cheeks. "Y-Yes, not even a second..."

"I think I'll give those succubi another chance..."

A few days passed without anything major going on. We just took our time to relax and laze around the mansion. I knew that this peace wasn't going to last forever, so I savored every little moment of it.

That was until one day.

"My apologies for intruding during a meal at such an hour. I'm here for Lady Dustiness because of a very pressing matter..."

The door to the mansion suddenly opened and a man wearing the attire of a butler walked inside without any permission whatsoever.

"That's cool and all, but no one gave you permission to step inside this house." I reprimanded the intruder. In response, he only shot me a cold look, not saying a word.

Some who-knows-who-guy enters our house without even a simple knocking and has the audacity to interrupt our dinner. Really, who does he think he is?

"Since you're addressing me as Lady Dustiness, that means that you're an envoy from some aristocratic house... I'll humor you then. What's this about?"

"My master, Alexei Barnes Alderp, seeks your presence. It's not convenient to talk in a place like this, so I've prepared for a carriage outside. We can discuss the details in my master's mansion. This way please."

"Ah, so he's from Alderp. That explains everything."

In response to this butler's attitude, the fork in Darkness' hand twisted.

I was ready to jump this man along with Darkness, but surprisingly she used her muscle brain and stood up from the table.

"... I'll be going out for a bit. If I don't return after it has gotten late, lock the door... Well then, I'm off."

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