Chapter 27: A Good Night's Rest for this Sleep Deprived Adventurer!

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 Our date lasted until dawn. It was a one-time opportunity to see the capital in its full glory. Seeing that we had to leave the next day, we wanted to experience every nook and cranny this place had to offer.

After a long, lovely and sleepless night, Megumin finally succumbed to sleep while we were sitting in a local restaurant.

Carefully, I picked her up, put her on my back, and decided that it was time to end our outing.

I entered the inn we were staying at and put her on the bed. I closed the curtains so the rising sun doesn't interfere with my sleep, and laid next to her.

"*Sigh* What a night..." I mumbled to myself.

Turning to see the sleeping face next to me, I couldn't help but feel warm inside.

"Thanks Megumin. Sleep tight."

I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Demon King's army raid alert! Demon King's army raid alert! We detected a Demon King's army group forming up in the plains nearby! Knight Corps, prepare to move out. Because of the massive scale of the attack, we're appealing for the adventurers within the capital to join in the battle! All high-level adventurers, please gather in front of the castle immediately!"

Which instantly shot back open.



"Adventurers, gather this way! As you haven't received training in military group maneuvers, you'll be acting separately from the knight corps, so just fight freely! I'll inspect everyone's adventurer's card before the battle. We'll provide additional rewards based on the number of monsters you subjugate after the battle, so please do your best!"

Outside the castle a fully armed knight corp as well as a lot of high-level adventurers were standing and listening to the orders given to them by their superiors.

We rallied at the designated location and were waiting for our adventurer cards to be checked.

"Get ready, guys. We're up next. Y/N stop messing around, I know you're faking it to avoid fighting the Demon King's army!"

Since morning, Kazuma's been accusing me of faking my sleep depravation.

There was no way I could fight in this condition. I mean, even if I was well rested, there'd still be no way for me to fight the entire army. I'm sure they'd be just fine without me.

"I'm not faking it... Just let me rest. And besides... look at Megumin..." I pointed at Megumin, who was out on the ground, drooling.

"We're talking about you, not her. Even in that state, she could just fire off one explosion and go back to sleep. You, on the other hand, have to stay mobile and swing that stupid sword you have there."

"I can't swing my sword I have there if I move like a snail..."

"It's not my fault you didn't sleep last night! What were you doing, by the way? Oh, wait a minute... You said you didn't sleep at all last night, and Megumin, too, said she was tired from last night... Did you two finally do it? Hey-! Okay, okay, get this sword away from me!"

"Tch! And what's with you? Why are you so pumped up to fight? You're usually right behind me when we're facing of the Demon King's army..."

"... No reason at all..."

"Next!" The staff member shouted.

As I was next in line, I reluctantly stepped forward, letting the rest of my party handle the sleeping mage on the ground.

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