Chapter 16

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Day 7:

This was the last day of camping and it was time to go home but before that they were going to have breakfast.

Seonghwa woke up and went to go get food for everyone, when he got back, he woke up everyone, the littles of the group went with a caregiver to get dressed into appropriate little clothes.

Hongjoong and San were dressed into diapers, snap-crotch onesies, baggy pants, socks, trainers and were given cute hoodies. Yeosang and Wooyoung were dressed in pull-ups, t-shirts, baggy pants, socks and trainers and were given cute jackets.

Once the littles were dressed into age appropriate clothes, they went to eat the breakfast Seonghwa got them.

After breakfast, the caregivers got ready into comfortable clothes, they set out a blanket for the littles, whilst they started packing the clothes, toys, beds, cutlery, furniture and the tent, they then started packing all of the stuff into the vans, they got the littles and placed them in their car seats. In van 1 was:

Hongjoong, San, Yunho and Seonghwa

Van 2 had:

Wooyoung, Yeosang, Jongho and Mingi

San and Hongjoong were given their pacifiers so they could sleep on the journey, Wooyoung and Yeosang were given toys so they could play on the journey home.

About an hour and a half into the journey they decided it was time for a rest break so they could change diapers or pull-ups if needed and to stretch their legs as well as eat some food.

They spent an hour and a half at the services and then got back in the vans, the littles decided to watch a movie, there were 2 laptops, 1 for each van.

It took them around another hour and a half to finally get home, once they did, they changed Hongjoong and San's diapers before unloading the vans.

Once dine changing them, the littles went to the playroom to play together whilst the caregivers unpacked the vans.

They put all the camping gear into storage, they put all the clothes into the wash and placed the toys and laptops either in the playroom or living room to charge them.

Each caregiver decided to do their own thing for the time being, Seonghwa and Yunho went to get groceries, Jongho went to have a nap and Mingi played with the littles.

Seonghwa and Yunho returned some time later with groceries and take-out as they were too tired to cook, everyone travelled around the dining table and started to eat dinner.

Once dinner was finished the caregivers decided to give the littles a bath as they were smelly, especially after a long journey.

After giving the littles their baths, the caregivers turned on the tv for then and went to get showers, the caregivers taking it in turns so that two of them stayed with the littles.

Once everyone was clean they went to watch tv for a bit before going to sleep.

Each little slept with a caregiver:


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