Chapter 10

296 5 3

Littles: same age as previous chapter
M- Mingi

Third person PoV:

Day 1:

The members of Ateez had arrived at the campsite after a very long drive, the littles got out of the car, ready to play whilst the caregivers set up the tent.

Sangie and Woo went off running to play tag, San waddling close behind them, and Joongie who was just crawling after them.

Jh-"kids, stay near us please"

San, Sangie and Woo-"Yes Appa"

Joongie just babbled his response, whilst looking at his Appa, Jongho just chuckled and picked him up and placed him in his pushchair that Mingi already set up, Jongho didn't strap him in, he just placed the tray on with some snacks for  Joongie.

Jongho, Mingi, Yunho and Seonghwa started to set up the tent whilst watching the littles play around, Seonghwa and Yunho connected the poles, Jongho and Mingi set the tent down, they then started to place the poles in and made sure the tent was secure to the ground, after setting up the outside of the tent and hammering it to the ground, Seonghwa and Yunho then started to focus on setting up the inside of the tent whilst Jongho and Mingi went to retrieve the littles.

Mingi went to grab San and placed him on his hip and went to grab the baby bag, then went to Joongie who was still in the pushchair and started pushing the pushchair and headed to the campsite bathrooms and into the changing rooms, so he could change San and Joongie's diapers.

Jongho grabbed Sangie and Woo, so they could help Seonghwa and Yunho do the inside of the tent.

There were 4 rooms, that had enough room for 2 people each, they then (not forgetting to do first) put one of the tent covers on the floor so that the tent (inside) wouldn't get wet, they blew up the blow up beds (not actually blow/blew up), put a mattress cover on them and placed 3 pillows on each blow up beds, as well as a blanket in each room.

Mingi had returned with San and Joongie whilst they were in the middle of setting up the rooms, so they decided to pick roommates.

Sh-"Ok, little ones, which caregiver do you want to sleep with?"


Jongho got his and Yeosang's sleeping bags and placed them in a room, he then grabbed his and Yeosang's suitcases and placed them in the same room he placed their sleeping bags in.

S - "Daddy"

Yunho grabbed his and San's suitcases and sleeping bags and placed them in the room next to Jongho's and Sangie's room.

Hj - " Ma" Hongjoong said making grabby hands towards Seonghwa, who happily complied to picking up Joongie and grabbing both of their suitcases, not forgetting to put the sleeping bags through the suitcase handle and went to the room opposite Yunho and San's room.

M - " I guess that leaves us Wooie"

W- " 'Kay papa"

Mingi grabbed the suitcases whilst Wooie grabbed the sleeping bags and went into the only available room left.

Everyone (except for Joongie and San) quickly finished up setting up the rooms, then went to set up all the camping chairs and also put up the outside roof tent covers just so rain didn't get in from the top, as well as putting out all the cooking essentials.

The caregivers were finally able to sit down and have a break, so they sat down outside, the littles played in the inside of the tent with their toys.

They were happily entertaining the younger two whilst the caregivers talk.

M - " So, Seonghwa hyung"

Sh - " Yes Mingi"

M - " What's for dinner?"

Seonghwa's eyes went wide as he ran to the cars and grabbed the food and drinks and placed them inside the tent, Seonghwa then grabbed some food and started to prep dinner, and of course Mingi helped.

Jongho went to take Yeosang and Woo to the toilet to also change their pull-ups but that's only if they had an accident. Yunho went to have a nap, with San and Joongie.

Soon dinner was ready and everyone was eating food, the littles having help with eating their food. After dinner the group made some s'mores.


I'm thinking of making an NCT fanfic but idk if I should include the three members who left or the two new members??

Any ideas ??

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