Chapter 13

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Hongjoong:2 years old
San:2 years old

Day 4:

Today there were no plans for the group, so they all just decided to play and relax.

The first person to wake up was Seonghwa, he checked to see if Joongie was still asleep, for the first time in forever he was actually awake, Seonghwa softly smiled towards him.

"Morning Joongie"

"Mowin ma"

"How old are you today?"

"I two" Joongie raised one finger

Seonghwa was surprised to say the least, Joongie has never gone above the age of 1 1/2 ever since the four littles revealed they were littles.

"Wow, you must be a really big boy then?"

"He he, I bi' boy"

"Yes you are, especially one that is in dire need of a change"

Joongie giggled cutely as Seonghwa picked him up and grabbed the changing supplies as they headed off to the washroom.

They arrived there and Joongie started giggling as Seonghwa changed his diaper and dressed him in a snap-crotch and shorts.

After the changing session, they went to grab breakfast for themselves and the others and then went back to the tent where everyone else was already up.

Yunho was chasing round a mostly naked San who was only wearing his diaper, Seonghwa put down Joongie and placed the food onto the table and caught Sannie who was about to run into Seonghwa, Seonghwa smiled.

"Hello little one, are you running away from your daddy?"

" 'giggles' Nwo"

"Oh really, because it looks like you are to me"

" 'giggles' "

Seonghwa handed San back to Yunho, who gladly took him, the diaper bag and clothes and took San into their tent room and dressed him into some clothes and a fresh diaper.

"Daddy, why do I hab to weaw a diapey?"

"Well, how old are you today?"


"Well, we don't have enough pull ups for 3 of you"

San looked at Yunho confusingly.

"I'm just kidding, we do have enough pull ups for 3 of you, but your wearing a diaper because you seem to be very hyper today, so this feels like the best for today as I think you may have a few accidents"

San just pouted, Yunho smiled and continued dressing San.

They went out of the tent room to where everyone was eating breakfast, Yunho and San sat down and started eating breakfast.

Once breakfast was over, Jongho and Mingi went and took Wooyoung and Yeosang to the washrooms to clean them and get them into fresh clothes before sorting out themselves.

When they returned to the tent Seonghwa and Yunho went to the washroom to get ready into some fresh clothes.

Seonghwa and Yunho returned to the tent once they were done, where Hongjoong and Sannie came up to them with their arms up making grabby hands, Seonghwa and Yunho complied, picking them up and sitting them down on to their laps once they sat down on to their chairs.

The other two littles were playing around with the other two caregivers joining them, the caregivers changing positions with Yunho and Seonghwa.

The littles either played or cuddled with their caregivers and the caregivers either talked, read or played with the littles, taking a break for lunch, then going back to what they were doing until dinner.

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