Chapter 11

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Little ages:

Woo and San:3
Joongie:1 and a half

Day 2:

Today the group had planned to go for a hike and hang out around the lakes and go for a swim in the lake.

The littles were the first to wake up before the caregivers, the first out of the littles to wake up was Sannie, he went out of his daddy's room and started to play with a few toys in the open area of the tent, soon Sangie woke up and decided to join Sannie in playing with toys, after around half an hour,  Woo woke up and joined in with the playing, lastly Joongie had crawled out and began to play with the others.

The littles played for an hour before the caregivers started to wake up 1 by 1, first to wake up was non other than Seonghwa.

Sh-"Hello babies, how old are you all today?"

W & S-"Thwee"


Hj-"Mama, mama"

Sh-"Well, I think little Joongie is 1 and a half, am I right?"

Hj-"Weah (yeah)"

After finding out how old the littles are, Seonghwa  went over to the makeshift kitchen and started to work on breakfast for everyone, soon Jongho woke up and greeted the littles, Seonghwa then told him how old they were, Jongho then went to help Seonghwa with figuring out what to give the littles for breakfast, Yunho and Mingi then joined, Seonghwa told them how old the littles were and they nodded and started to play with the littles.

Soon breakfast was ready and each caregiver went to a little and grabbed a little (not violently) and placed them around the make up table (not fighting), the caregivers had bacon butties whilst the littles had some porridge with chocolate and fruit in them, Joongie and Sangie having some help.

Once breakfast was over each little went with their chosen caregiver to help get dressed, Seonghwa changed Joongie into a fresh diaper with a short sleeved snap-crotch and some shorts in their shared room in their tent, and some socks and walking shoes, Seonghwa got changed and they went to the washrooms to brush their teeth, the other 6 went over to the washrooms earlier with the littles change of clothes and pull-ups for them, as well as helping them brush their teeth, then the caregivers sorting out themselves.

Seonghwa got a diaper bag ready with snacks, diapers, pull-ups and drinks, as well as a cart which the littles can sit in if they start to get tired.

Sh-"Right, are we ready to go everyone?"

Everyone else-"Yeeeesssss"

Sh-"Good, each little hold on to a caregiver"


They all started walking with each little holding on to a caregiver, the other six were walking a little but faster than Seonghwa and Joongie, primarily because Joongie was only able to waddle, they walked down the path which led up to a mountain, they stopped and sat down for an hour, they ate a few snacks and drank some water and played for a while as well as take photos before they set back on to walking.

Sh-"Do any of you littles want to sit in the cart for the rest of the walk?"

Ys & Hj-"Wes"

Seonghwa placed Sangie and Joongie into the cart and they all continued walking, they walked for another hour before arriving back to the campsite, when they arrived back they ate some lunch which was just sandwiches before they got into their swim gear.

After eating, the caregivers got the littles into swim gear, all of the littles were placed in to swim diapers and had their swim shorts placed over them, the caregivers then got themselves ready and they all headed to the lake, the littles were also given arm bands to help them swim.

They swan and relaxed in the lake as well as played with a beach ball and laid on pool floats, they swam for an hour before taking a break by getting ice cream before getting back into the lake to play some more before they had to eat.

It started getting late and everyone was hungry so they all went back to their tent to dry off and get into pyjamas of course the littles having help, Seonghwa went to guest services to order pizza whilst the other 3 caregivers helped the littles into either a diaper or pull-up and appropriate pyjamas then getting themselves ready.

Seonghwa returned with the pizza and they all ate, after pizza they either played games or stargazed or talked a bit before going to brush their teeth, the littles played for a little more, whilst the caregivers talked before they all turned in for the night.


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