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Little Hwa

Caregivers: Jongho and Yeosang

(May be minimal of side characters of other members, also in this fic littles are a common thing (like classification ig) so Ateez has three littles in this one which is Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Mingi but this is mainly Seonghwa centric so not much mention (or any) of them in this oneshot)

Jongho's PoV:

Today was an off day which was great, we all traded dorms for the night, me and Sangie staying at Seonghwa, San and Mingi's dorm, whilst Mingi was at Yunho and Sangie's dorm and San being at WooJoong's dorm.

I woke up and looked over at Sangie to see he was still asleep, I then headed over to Hwa's room to see that he was still asleep with his paci hanging from his mouth and a teddy tucked in his arms, his bed had railings around it which could be detached from the bed and so the bed could look like any other normal bed, there was only three railings that could detached as his bed had a headboard so buying four wasn't needed.

I went over to his makeshift crib and started to stroke his cute sleeping face, he whined at the action so I pushed his paci back in his mouth and he relaxed again I cooed at how adorable he was right now, I then decided that it was enough cooing and decided to head to the kitchen to make some breakfast, I made to bacon butties for me and Sangie and some porridge with some fruit tucked in for Seonghwa.

Sangie had snuck up behind me.

"Morning" he said in a husky voice.

"Hey can you please go wake up Hwa Hwa breakfast is nearly done?"


Yeosang's PoV:

I went to HwaHwa's room and looked to see that he was still asleep, so I went over to the crib and started to stroke him gently.

"HwaHwa, baby, it's time to wake up"

Hwa just snuggled into the bed more

"C'mon baby, it's time for breakfast"

He was till asleep, so I gently shook him.

"C'mon baby, wake up it's breakfast time"

He just whined at the action and turned around with his back now facing me.

"C'mon baby, you need to wake up, you don't want your breakfast to get cold do you?"

He turned around with his sleepy doe eyes open and made grabby hands, I picked him up and placed him on to my hip, as I started walking he started to doze off on my shoulder, until I sat him down into his highchair and strapped him in.

Jongho came in and delivered us our food and hot drinks (bottle for Hwa) and a bib for Hwa and everyone started eating, Hwa needing some help here and there with feeding, either way, he was still a mess by the end of breakfast.

"I think this stinky baby needs a bath don't you agree Sangie?"

"Oh, I certainly think so to"

"I will give him a bath then, do you mind cleaning up Sangie?"

"No I don't"

Third person PoV:

Yeosang went off to clean up after breakfast whilst Jongho took a dirty Seonghwa to the bathroom.

J-"Ok baby lets get the bath running and you undressed ready for the bath, now what bubbles would you like?"

"Swawbewwy (strayberry)"

"Ok baby"

Jongho started running the bath and placing the strawberry bubbles in, whilst the bathtub was filling up, Jongho undressed Hwa only leaving him in his diaper and then went to grab a towel, clothes, diaper and some bath toys for him so he was at least occupied during bath time.

When Jongho returned to the bathroom he found a missing Hwa who was now roaming practically naked around the house, he stopped the bath as the bath was now ready and screamed down to Yeosang.

"We have to find a naked little Yeo, Hwa is naked  is his diaper and somewhere around the house, can you help me look for him please?" (Shouting)


They both started to search for a naked little, after around five-10 minutes they found little Hwa in the washroom giggling, so Jongho and picked him up and took him to the bathroom.

"You cheeky little monkey"

Jongho bathed Seonghwa and then played with him and then got him out of the bath, he started drying Hwa and putting some talcum powder over his body and then diaper cream and then placing his diaper on, he then placed Hwa's shirt on him and tried to place some shorts on him (Jongho was unsuccessful) they then went to the living room and did some playing, they were originally going to go out but the rain kinda prevented that from happening so they stayed in.


Sorry I haven't been updating, new year of college also changed to another college as my previous college wouldn't let me progress onto a level 3 so also trying to settle in to a new college as well as being ill and hopefully soon I will start my new part time job. I also will hopefully have (depending on brain capacity) a new chapter to the actual book i stead of another oneshot, oneshots are just fillers for a little difference but also if I have writers block which I do have but hopefully another chapter will come out soon.

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