14. Another Visit

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Riley was almost home to see her mother and Hunter was by her side, cautiously looking around while they were still in the woods.

"I don't think we're in any danger so how about you relax?" she suggested.

He scoffed, pulling her closer for a quick kiss.

"One wrong move when anyone tries to take you away and there'll be consequences."

"Uh... okay."

"Ready to see your mom?" he asked, gently rubbing his fingertip along the spot where he had marked her.

Whenever she touched it herself, she felt nothing but the moment he did, it was pleasurable.

"Yeah," she replied, biting her lip while looking into his eyes.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No." She pulled on his leather jacket.

"Then we won't get to the door."

The sensation was something she couldn't feel from anyone else and it had taken over her so much that she had forgotten what the main purpose of being out there was.

But once her mother was mentioned, she took a step back while breathing hard.

"Let's go," she said, composing herself and walking past him.


As Riley approached the house, she hurried to the front door, leaving Hunter behind and in disbelief.

Excited, she opened the door and called out to her mother, who came from the bedroom and screamed with joy as she rushed over.

In a warm embrace, Riley rested her head on her mother's shoulder, feeling her mother's happiness that she was back home.

"I missed you, mom."

"This is one of the best surprises I've ever received. I didn't know you were coming," her mother said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Once Hunter's footsteps approached after he walked in, Riley sensed him first and broke the hug, already wanting to stand close to him.

"Hey, Mrs Baker," Hunter said, throwing his arm over Riley's shoulder.

"Welcome. I'm glad you two are together now."

As Hunter spoke with great pride about the two of them, Riley struggled to keep a straight face because he intentionally ran his fingers along her marked spot.

"I can't wait to hear all about it. Please have a seat," she said to them.

"I can't stay," he said.

"What? You can't?" Riley asked, surprised.

"Nico needs me back home. He just got in touch with me."


He kissed her.

"I'll be back for you later."

Though she wished he could stay, she knew he had to leave. It might've been urgent, but he didn't seem to panic and that put her at ease.

Since he was already going back, she rushed to her bedroom to pack some of her stuff and could hear the conversation he had with her mother.

He spoke with great pride about her, making her mouth curve into a never ending smile.

Once she was done, she gave him the suitcase and walked outside with him.

"What happened? You still haven't told me," she said to him.

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