5. Spicy

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For as long as Riley could do it, she decided to stay away from home.

She even came to her best friend's house, Killian, who had moved to Wulfuric Hills just so he could still spend time with her and they'd never lose touch with each other.

But when she got to his luxurious apartment, the door was locked and she couldn't hear him inside.

She wondered where he was.

She was aware that apart from her, he had no other friends in Wulfuric Hills and the previous town. Despite his good looks and cold charm, he also had no girlfriend.

Since she didn't want to go home, she even thought she'd let herself in because she knew the passcode to his apartment, but she decided not to do it because she didn't think it was right.

When she thought about how she didn't have her phone because Hunter had crushed it and seemed to enjoy it, it only made her clench her fists in frustration.

But no matter how much she thought about it and it upset her, she knew it wouldn't bring back her phone, so she decided to let it go.

As she glanced at Killian's apartment again, she thought about jumping over the fence just for fun, but soon reminded herself she might get exposed since it was in broad daylight in the afternoon.

Finally deciding to leave, she wandered the busy streets and it was difficult being around those areas.

Now that she had heightened senses, there were so many overlapping voices, cars honking and tyres screeching.

It was all too much for her.

Since had left home in the morning and it was now afternoon, she thought she could return.

Though she was certain Hunter had left because there was no way he had waited that long, she knew that she only needed to pick up his scent from a distance before getting too close to the house and she'd know right away to not get any closer.

She only hoped its allure wouldn't drive her so wild that she'd go to him.

On the way back, her stomach rumbled and because it was already lunch time, she knew that her mother had already cooked.

The moment she was close enough to the house, she could already smell all her favorite spices and she closed her eyes as the smell wafted through the air to her nose.

She also couldn't sense Hunter and that made her eager to get inside the house and eat.

When she was inside, her lips were already curved into a smile as she rushed to the kitchen but found nothing on the stove or any evidence of food.

Confused, she furrowed her eyebrows because she could still smell the spices.

After she followed the scent, it led to her bedroom and as soon as she opened the door, she was in for a shock when she realized the smell of the spices had actually been coming from Hunter the whole time. He had used them to hide his natural cent.

"You're back. I've been waiting for hours now," he said, tilting his head with a smirk while in a chair.

"Mom, really?" she said as she approached her mother, who was seated on the bed.

"I'm sorry but you can't run from this," her mother said, getting up. "I have a few things to buy. I'll be home in the evening."

"Mom? You're leaving me alone?"

"You won't be alone," her mother said with a smile.

As her mother walked past her, Riley chuckled with disbelief and looked on as she just left and closed the door.

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