11. Dominant

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For the next two days, Riley was mostly in the company of Val or the other girls, using that as an excuse to avoid Hunter at all costs.

She knew that she would eventually have to face him so they could talk about what happened with Bria, but she didn't even know how she would sound convincing that it meant nothing to her.

Though she was still uncertain of what she wanted, learning all about their kind from everyone made her feel like she was truly one of them.

But at times, she reminded herself that she only needed to learn about everything and leave.

Though she had stayed away from Hunter, she was around Nico, who taught her most of the history that had to do with their pack and Hunter's family.

She was even told she could read all about it in the study, but she had come to realize Hunter spent a lot of time there, so she decided not to go.

Hunter, deciding to tease her while practicing some patience, yet all he wanted was to rip her clothes off now that he knew she was possessive when it came to him, didn't know for how much longer he could let her get away with avoiding him.

And he had decided that by the end of that night, things would be different between the two of them.

Because Cage was still in recovery, he couldn't take on his duties which involved training the new warriors.

Nico took charge of it and along with Hunter, they decided to make it special because Riley was there to learn, and Hunter gave him permission to mobilize every warrior.

With the members priding themselves in strength, just as Hunter had always told them to do, they were up for a little display of their skills.

Everyone was excited for it, including those who knew they'd take a beating.

The only one who wanted to stay behind was Dawn so she could look after Cage.

When Riley received an update from Val about Hunter, who was outside the mansion organizing the others, she rushed along the hallways so she could check on Dawn and Cage.

As soon as she was inside the room, Cage couldn't stop staring at her with a blank expression and she thought she'd start by apologizing to him since that was the first time of talking to him after the night of the incident.

"I'm sorry about all this. You should be out there with everyone else but because of me, you can't. If there's anything I can do to-"

"Yes, there's one thing you can do for me," he said with a strain in his voice as he tried to sit up with Dawn's help.

"What is it?" Riley asked, ready to make it up to him.

"As soon as I'm in good shape, fight me."


Dawn sighed. "I told you, didn't I?"

"But I don't want to fight you," Riley said to him.

"You will. In fact, you have to. I'll make it part of your training. It doesn't matter if you'll win or lose. Just fight me."

"Oh...uh...okay," Riley said, hesitantly nodding as Dawn gave her a thumbs up.

Just then, Val came to the door, calling for Riley because it was time to go.

Though she didn't know exactly what the event would be like, she looked forward to it.

When she was in the hallway with Val, heading down the stairs, the clamor outside caught her attention.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"You'll see."

As soon as Val opened the doors, Riley's jaw dropped at all the guys wearing only tight shorts, showing off their muscles as they hyped each other up.

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