Different Lives

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7:54 AM
The Colony - Schooling Sector

The Locker door shut with a loud bang and Uzi groaned loudly. She could barely get a good nights sleep because of the plan she and Thad had created until five in the morning. He eventually stayed the rest of the night. The worker drone put her hands over her visor and slowly dragged them down. "I need sleep so badly right now..." With those words lingering in mind she made her way to the classroom. The first lesson for today was biology. The subject where she'd showcased a railgun instead of finish the stupid watermelon homework a while back.

The second Uzi entered the classroom she was already greeted by Lizzy. "Hey freak, looking kinda... more horrifying than usual today." She giggled and pointed at the sleepy drone. Normally Uzi would've stood up for herself now but she decided to safe what little energy she had. Before anyone really grasped what just happened between the two, the Teacher already shut the door. "Good morning everyone." He greeted the class with a monotone voice. The younger drones stood straight and greeted him back. "Good morning." They never got to know his name.

The Teacher waved them off and slumped down behind his desk. "Today you'll be showcasing your homework... again. Lizzy please start..." He swiftly opened a virtual cardgame on his hud and let his daughter do the first showcase. It was all going smoothly until it was his problematic student's turn. "Uzi... You're next." There was a short silence before the young female stood up from her desk and walked to the front. The Teacher had minimized his card game and focused his attention onto her. This ought to be interesting. 

To his and the class's surprise Uzi had done her actual homework for once and not disolved the biology lesson to a ramble about humanity being evil. "Well done Uzi... sit back down... Next!" He called out the next student and maximized the card game on his hud again. Meanwhile Uzi had sat back down at her desk and suddenly was taken aback by a strong sense of tiredness. Before She knew it she'd already fallen asleep in the first lesson.

Dreamzone Start - Uzi Doorman

Uzi walked along the abandoned corridors of what once was the colony's schooling sector. Lockers to her right and classroom doors to her left. It looked like noone had been here in years. She wiped her finger across a locker door and a sticky black substance stuck to her finger. "Ew... Gross." Disgusted by the grimey substance she wiped it off on her jacket and continued down the hallway. Then she encountered a male drone which faced away from her. It was taller than a worker drone and wore a winter jacket with white fur. "N? Is that you?" She asked curiously and closed the distance between them.

"Yeah it's me. And I've come for you." She instantly noticed that his voice was distorted. "What happened to your voicebox?" The worker asked, now not as daring as before. She'd stopped closing the distance. The disassembly drone didn't reply. Instead it slowly turned to face the source of the female voice. Then Uzi finally got the view his visor. The bright neon red eyes burned right into her own. A Large grin formed on N's face and saliva started drooling out. "N... You're scaring me." Uzi took a step back as 'N' took a step towards her. "Normally we've got a procedure to follow when disassembling and recycling worker drones. It says we need to make sure the worker is completely disabled and can no longer hear, see or even feel anything. Plainly said... They need to be dead before we eat them. But today I don't really feel like it."

Within the blink of an eye 'N' had closed the distance and was now mere inches away from Uzi's visor. He cupped her head with his hands. "I hate to see you suffer." After he said those words his virtual eyes left the visor screen and his mouth opened to a size she'd never thought possible. It just kept stretching bigger and bigger. Then the gigantic mouth suddenly lunged towards her...

Dreamzone End - Uzi Doorman

Uzi woke up with a shock. The bright lamps blinded her harshly and she had to cover her visor with an arm. "Zee?!" Someone called out to her. The female looked to her right and spotted Thad, who'd just jumped up from a chair. "Zee!" He ran over to her and hugged the confused drone. "I've been worried sick!" He added and gestured at her. Uzi couldn't follow. "What do you mean? I just took a quick nap here on my desk..." Then it finally hit Uzi. She wasn't even in class anymore, but instead in the schools infirmary. "-I'm not in class anymore!? What happened?!" Uzi was without a doubt bewildered. 

"They told me you'd suddenly collapsed during biology and were brought here... It's almost noon!" Thad answered, clearly just as shocked as his partner. Uzi needed a minute to process what she'd just heard. "I've been asleep for almost four hours?! But it only felt like five minutes!" They looked at one another. "Well... do you remember what you dreamt about? We still need to talk to Teach about the camp trip aswell."

Thad's female counterpart didn't answer right away to his question. She thought about it for a moment before turning back towards him. "I don't really remember... All I do though is a pair of bright neon red eyes. It felt like I was burning alive as they stared me down." She grumbled and crossed her arms. For a moment there was absolute silence before the cap wearing drone to her right answered. "So... a Nightmare?" Uzi sheepishly nodded and looked away from Thad. A blush had found its way onto her visor. "Zee! It's ok! Everyone gets nightmares every once in a while! I had one recently aswell!" Thad tried to loosen her sour mood a little, which did work to some extent. "Hey! I'm not saying that I think having nightmares is embarassing... it's just..." She trailed off before she could finish and Thad sighed. He gathered some courage and exhaled. Then he embraced Uzi. "Don't ever collapse during class ever again. You had me worried sick!" The male worker said softly as he held her close. Uzi snuggled up against him and closed her eyes. "I promise."

7:54 PM
The Spire

N had just woken up and stretched himself. The sun had set a few minutes ago and the sky was as red as it could get. Snowflakes were slowly falling down from the sky. Apparently there were no storm warnings for the evening. He took this opportunity and stepped outside. Before the disassembly drone could even think about taking another step forward something landed right in front of him in the snow with a loud bang. As the snow slowly settled a drone with a black uniform became visible. It walked right up to N and eyed him. "Have you decided?" It asid with a cold voice.

"No H... I am not ready to give you a propper answer to such a question yet... It's only been a couple of days! Plus I can't just leave V by herself!" N exclaimed and pointed at the commanding officer. H's face scrunched up in disappointment. "Listen here you pile of scrap! If you don't get that bullet out of your head you'll rust to death! It's a fate worse than getting eaten alive... that's because it's such a slow process." There was an angry undertone in his voice. "To be honest... I'd rather rust to death with V than to go back to the company and get a hard reset." N firmly stood his ground. This surprised the officer drone.

"What did you just say?!" His former friend asked furiously. "You heard me!" N replied. He suddenly felt his own anger dwell up inside of him. H looked like he was about to exterminate N, yet he just took a deep breath and exhaled. "Fine. If that's what you want. But if this causes any trouble for me or my team we'll come for you. And THIS is a ONE-TIME-THING! Got it!?" Both male disassembly drones stared each other down for multiple seconds. H's bright neon red eyes pierced deep into N's robotic soul, but he kept staring back. If he'll back down now he'd be exposing weakness and putting V in danger of disassembly. He couldn't ever let that happen.

Finally H backed away and sighed loudly. "I'll guarantee you... we'll see one another again. You won't be this lucky when we do." With those words he took two steps back and turned on his intercoms set. "Black Eagle here, diassembly drones N-0X0010010 and V-X00100000 are dealt with propperly... Understood... Black Eagle out." H switched the communication relay back off. "N if you ever disobey my command again, I'll eat you alive. I've taken a gigantic burden upon me for you and your girlfriend, so you better be grateful." Then the officer drone took his leave by spreading his wings, darting up into the sky and out of view.

N stood there with the same pose for a couple minutes. He couldn't believe he'd persuaded the extermination teams commanding officer into not killing them. The world seemed even brighter now than it already had. He needed to tell V all about this development. Hopefully she'd be impressed with him.

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