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3:42 AM

Uzi couldn't believe what she just witnessed. A dark angel just talked to her like they were good friends. This entire situation bewildered her so much, she didn't even know how to react. "Hey are you new to our squad? You're a little... uhh..." As N examined her closer he noticed that her proportions for a disassembly drone were off. He squinted his eyes and began rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb. "-short for a disassembly drone..." He concluded. Because Uzi had slapped him awake before he was completely done rebooting, his optical sensors still couldn't identify the drone in front of him. Suddenly Uzi began to feel tense, as N squinted his eyes even more. He also leaned towards her now. Nervously she look from her right to her left, trying to find an escape path in case things escalated again.

But within the blink of an eye his entire attitude suddenly changed. He stood straight and saluted the worker drone. "I'm Serial Designation N! Nice to meet you." Suddenly N's fantasies about being a squadleader overwhelmed him. "I'm kinda the leader of our squad in this city." But because of his innocence he immediately resorted back to telling the actual truth. "That's not true... Everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible... Wait! I'm not supposed to tell you that! Biscuits!" Frustrated by himself he sighed. "Well, honesty is the best policy." He chuckled before continuing his monologue. "I also can't seem to remember the past three hours of my life, buuut I'm sure that'll sort itself out!" He waved it off and smiled brightly at Uzi.

Unsure of what would happen next she took this moment of confusion to get away from him. "Uh-huh.. I uh- have to... go." She said as she used the arm she held as a way pointer. Just as Uzi had turned away from the murderous robot, sharp pain flinched through her body. The nanite acid had begun its degrading process on her hull. "Ouch!" she winced and held her hand tightly. "Oof stuck yourself? Just pop it in your mouth. Our Saliva neutralized the nanites. Otherwise I'd constantly be disassembling myself." He finished and caught his own stinger just in time as it was about to sting him in the head. Uzi turned around to face him again.

"And by our saliva, you mean... disassembly drone?" She asked hesitantly, watching the dark angel's visor. He nodded in agreement. "Right... hey let's go into that landing pod over there." She pointed at N's failed attempt to land planet site softly. "Sure. I love doing anything." He replied nonchalantly. What followed was an exchange of N's bodily fluids and information about his squad for Uzi's rebellious plan and an attempt to get him on her side.

"You really think that the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?" She asked whilst pointing at the destroy controls of the landing pod. "Oh my, You sure are rebellious! It's kinda exciting." N felt himself heating up on the inside, wanting to do more than just go onto one occasional hunt every few weeks. "But uh! Not as cool as uh... following the rules." He fingergunned at Uzi. She was disappointed. Suddenly loud metallic banging and thumping began on the hull. The disassembly drone looked at the ceiling. "Oh hey! They're back! I'm sure you'll- uhh..." N shifted his gaze back to where he last saw Uzi but couldn't find her. She'd already gotten the heck out of there. Uzi was sure that maybe N could become rebellious, but from what she'd heard from him about V and J she really didn't want to stick around any longer than totally necessary. "Idiot! Get out here!" he heard from outside.

N got up and exited the pod. In almost an instant J got up into his face. She also was disappointed. Meanwhile V had hung herself upside down from the corpse wall and spotted Uzi running in the distance. She jumped back down to the ground. "Yo, we got a worker out there I kinda wanna practice balloon animal shapes with." When V landed she looked at what was unfolding in front of her. "What happened here?" She asked curiously.

J sighed. "Synergistic liability here must've tripped and knocked himself offline." J smacked N hard with her backhand, sending him back to system reboot mode. V wanted to say something but restrained herself. She feared that J might punish him if she said something.

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