The calm before the storm

705 13 18

9:00 PM
The Spire - Several Weeks Later...

Amidst the all-so familiar chaos inside the pod laid N on the chilly floor. He'd extended all four of his limbs far away from him and stared at the ceiling. For some reason Uzi was still one of the main things he thought about. It still felt like it happened yesterday. The way she stared and him and asked with a shaking voice: "W-What are you things?". He groaned and put both of his hands over his visor. Someone to his left sighed. "Yo, idiot. I still need you to go and grab the things I want." He slowly pulled his hands down his visor and stared at the female disassembly drone who was still chained up. "I'm not your Pet, V." He replied before rubbing his visor with his hands in agony again.

"Fine, then I guess we... won't go... dancing with the workers at their prom night..." She trailed the words off. As N heard this he stood up within the blink of an eye. "Y-You want to d-d-dance with m-me!?" He couldn't believe what he'd just heard so he needed a verification. "Ugh... yes idiot... I- uh, I wanna dance with you." She rolled her eyes and looked away. N took a step back. This was all to good to be true. "Well... what's the catch?" He asked and took another step back. V shifted her attention back towards him. "Catch? What do you mean?" She really wanted to know why he thought there'd be a catch.

"Well usually when you do one thing that kinda benefits me... It ends with me having to do some stupid task for you... Like going on hunts by myself, or-" The male disassembly drone was cut off by his female counterpart. "Hey! I'm not the one who decided I needed to be on a leash!" She snapped at him whilst pointing at the chain. N knew she was right about that and sighed. "I can't let you go by yourself... I'm scared you might end up hurting Uzi..."

"Yeah I might just do that!" V yelled at him. This was all a bit to much for her, because she realized that she was loosing him. Yet she couldn't see that yelling and agreeing with his beliefs would only drive him away further. "W-Why?!" N exclaimed loudly. This was the first time he was actually afraid of V and questioned his whole worshiping of her. "Why? WHY!? N! You're a disassembly drone! She's a worker drone!" V gestured with her arms from one direction to the other, to visualize the difference between them. "There's no way you could ever date her!"

N felt his own anger boil up now. "Why would I want to date a good friend of mine!? I just want to see her again because she's been the ONLY ONE in the past 18 GODDAMN years of my PATHETIC EXISTENCE that actually CARED about ME and I don't want to LOSE HER!" He pronounced certain words prominently. His female counterpart stared at him, her eyes were hollow. She opened her mouth but quickly shut it again. "... You're right N. I'm sorry." V accepted her defeat and backed down. This wasn't the right time to be having an argument like this. Plus she still needed him to get the clothes for the prom.Besides N's loud breathing there was nothing but silence in the pod.

This was a first for N. Usually V never backed down or apologized for something she'd started. "Well... V I know this is pretty stressful for both of us at the moment, but tell you what." He walked up next to her seat and put his hand on hers. "I think we could use the worker prom as an excuse to finally let of some steam." If V had neck bones they would've snapped by now. She turned her head so fast towards N that it startled him. "I- I mean by dancing! You know- uh, dancing! N-Nothing else!" A blush appeared on both their faces. "If you can find the clothes sure." V replied. N noticed the softer undertone in her voice, which cheered him up slightly. "Ok then V, I'll go and try to find them. Be back by sunrise I hope."He winked at her and quickly left the pod. V curled up in the seat once he'd left. "God what did I get myself into. I don't even know how to dance..." She thought to herself.

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