Some much needed Advice

717 11 4

6:37 PM

V was perplexed. After she'd gotten knocked out by none other than the weakest member of their team she woke up to find him chatting it up with a random purple worker. V pretended to still be knocked out and listened to them. "You better not let that psychotic drone roam free after that incident back at the colony." V turned her visor brightness to near 0 percent to watch them. The purple thing stood atop the control desk and was scolding N. "Also, just for a reminder, the company sent you here without built in communications relays that can transmit back to base. So its basically a suicide mission." Uzi jumped back down from the controls onto a seat. She then directly looked at V. "Maybe crazy claws over there's got a built in communications relay. Ask her if she does." Uzi pointed at V with her thumb and cocked her eyebrows.

N nodded and walked over to V. The female disassembly drone had to act quickly. Just as N was about to touch her, she played the standardized JCJenson system startup.gif from her files and set her visor to full brightness. "Oh V! You're awake!" N cheered and raised his arms into the air. V waited a few seconds, in order to actually make her bluffed startup seem believable. Her bright neon yellow eyes blinked twice before she jolted back into her seat. "Oh god! What are you doing so close in front of me Loser?!" N lowered his arms and took a step back.

"I just wanted to make sure you're alright you know? I did kick you pretty hard after all..." N felt guilty and rubbed the back of his head. It was really sweet of him to say that, but she feared to show him. "Yeah whatever... it wasn't that hard anyways." She crossed her arms and looked away from him. N retreated back to where he originally stood whilst having a conversation with Uzi. "Hey!... you- uh, do you have a communications relay installed?" Uzi stood up and walked towards V. However, a hand gripped onto her shoulder and stopped Uzi from getting any closer. She looked over to whom the hand belonged and saw N shaking his head with a worried expression. The purple worker was about to find out why he grabbed her.

Before any of them could react V dashed right towards Uzi but stopped a few inches in front of her visor. The chain that held her emitted an excruciatingly painful grinding noise. "Do I look like a telecommunications tower to you?" Her eyes were wide and open, staring directly into Uzi's artificial mind. However none of them budged. At least not until N stepped in and pulled Uzi away from her. He frowned at V. "Uzi's our friend V... She's not for today's dinner..." The calmness in his voice set V off. Usually N was quirky and friendly sounding, but this time he sounded dead serious.

The disassembly drone rolled her eyes visibly and sat back down onto the chair she was chained to. "See, so you've been sent on a suicide mission. That means the company is past negotiating!" Uzi quickly concluded the idea in her mind and pointed her index finger at N. Both murder drones turned to look at Uzi with a similar expression. "So?" V asked, waving it off nonchalantly. "That means my theory is right! We have to kill all humans!" Uzi began to laugh and also sat back down onto her chair. "Just putting this into the room, but J was getting orders from command." V added, still with the same nonchalant tone in her voice.

Uzi exhaled loudly. "Quit complicating my murder plans!" Then N walked up to her and began patting her head. His hand was quickly slapped away. V didn't like what she saw a single bit and frowned at him. He shrugged and shook his head slightly. She replied with a gracious eye roll and turned her chair to face the other way. N rose his finger and wanted to say something to V, but no word ever left his mouth. Instead, someone knocked loudly at the door. All three drones turned to face the source of the noise. "Who's there?" Uzi asked, waiting for a response. She feared that it was her father.

"Zi? You in there?" A male voice asked from outside. Uzi immediately gasped and ran over to the door. She opened it and outside stood Thad. "Oh!" she chuckled nervously. "Hi Thad." The male worker drone winked at her and handed Uzi her weapon. An awkward silence erupted between them. It lasted until N decided to introduce himself. "Hi! My name's N! Nice to meet you!" As he did with Uzi, he smiled brightly at Thad. Thad quickly replied. "Nice to meet you too N-and-M's" He fingergunned at N. The disassembly drone got excited and gave him a thumbs up.

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