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V followed the stretcher until it entered the drone workshop. A place that's prohibited for drones of all types, even disassembly drones. Only certified human personell is allowed inside.

That didn't matter to V though. The vents would also take her to a position from where she could see what they were going to do to him. She stopped over a metal grate and peeked through. What she saw horrified her.

Almost 60% of N's entire body was missing. Large chunks of biomaterial were exposed and she could see his bio-mechanical heart beating rapidly. The mechanics got to work immediately and started welding, sewing and even screwing him back together.

"We're almost done here boss, just in time for the launch to copper-9." One of the mechanics said as he flipped his welding mask up. "Good. We need to do a memory wipe. What N witnessed on Earth can't be remembered. He did well though. Saved my life."
None of the mechanics said a word for a moment.

"A complete memory wipe? All data? Even those of individuals he loves and hates?" A mechanic finally asked. Tessa sighed loudly. She grabbed onto the stretcher. "Yes. I know that he had a gigantic crush on V. Something that even I wish wouldn't go to waste during the wipe... but it has to be done."

V wanted to burst through the ceiling and kill them all, but knew that if she'd even dare to make a noise they'll disassemble and replace her and N. She watched as they hooked a computer up to him. Within a minute the computer was done wiping all of his memory. The female drone wanted to scream, to extrovert herself, to vent her rage and sadness. Then she got an idea.

'Maybe he'll remember me if we spark again'

*Sparking implies a high compatibility between two drones and very high interests in one another*

She quickly left the vents and hid behind a corner near the entrance to the hangars. Soon she heard metallic footsteps. It was N.

V quickly turned the corner with a box in her hand and they bumped into one another. "O-Oh! I'm sorry! Here, let me help you." The new N said as he reached for the box V had dropped. She saw her chance and took it.

She touched hands with N and... nothing. No spark. There's no way it didn't work. It had to! V was sure of it. She grabbed his hand and clutched it. N was weirded out by this. "Uhh... are you Ok? OH! Biscuits! Where are my manners? My name is serial designation N! What's your name?" He looked at the female drone curiously, wondering who she was.

V was shocked. No spark meant he really didn't have any feelings towards her and they weren't compatible with one another. This was to much for the drone. She let go of his hand. "Name's V. We're in a squad and have to go right NOW loser!" V began to walk off.

"Oh! Ok yeah I'm coming with you!" He yelled at her. V waved it off. "Whatever." They made it to hangar bay 4 just in time and saw J standing right outside the pod. "Where the HELL have you two been!? We're taking off right now! So get inside!"

The three drones quickly made their way into the landing pod and sat N at the controls. "W-Wait! I don't know how to fly this thing!" N exclaimed and raised his hands away from the control panel. J growled and smacked him. "Get ahold of yourself N! We need to go now!"

N pressed a random button and the pod rocketed off into space, straight towards Copper-9. As they sped through the galaxy at near light speed nobody spoke a word. N broke the silence.

"How do you know my name?" He asked J politely. "Wait what?" J was taken aback by this. She saw how damaged he was when he came in. Is this real? Did they really reset him? This might be the best day of her robot life. "I am your Squadleader N, my name is J, that over there is V and together we form squad delta. We're on a mission to take potentially dangerous targets out on Copper-9. And I'm always looking out for you." She briefly explained to him. N nodded and thanked her. "Thanks J, always looking out for me!" He gave her a thumbs up. J scoffed and leaned back in her seat.

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