(Rewrite) Chapter 16: Get This Man a Therapist

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Harry's POV

I lie down at the top part of the cafeteria, shoving my hands into my face. "..god..why..WHY MUST THINGS BE THIS WAY..." I manage to make out, my eyes tearing up. Someone who I loved so very dearly..had died. Only a few hours ago had I known about this. My beloved Charlie..was no longer alive. She had fell down the abyss at the start of the blackout, as she was thrown down by someone mysterious. I am going to kill someone..her death shall not be in vain..

I will avenge her. I will perform the most excruciating tests on subjects..I will take my anger out on them..beat them to nothing but a pile of goo...I will turn all of the human subjects into gootraxians! They will fear me..they will..

I begin to cry even more. Who would be cruel enough to take someone away from me who I loved so very dearly..

Jake's POV

This place is falling into chaos. 'Oh god..what if we become test subjects? What if they find out about this?!' I think to myself, panicking. I look back at Dr. L, who is now completely transformed into a nightshade. My panic only grows, as the lights flicker above, signalling that they will turn on.

The lights flicker from off, to on, the white puddles and crystals returning to their normal colors. Suddenly, Dr. L jolts awake. He takes in his surroundings, before reaching up to his face. Shade and I just stare. Dr. L then groans, looking down at his new paws. "Fuckin' hell..." He manages to make out.

"Dr. L! I thought you were going to lose your memories!" I exclaim. "Haha, I'm lucky as hell. Anyways, where the hell am I, and why is there a shade behind you?" Dr. L asks. "Well..uh..you're in that one room..outside the garden. I don't remember what it's called.." I reply. "Alright, and who is that?" Dr. L says, standing up, pointing at Shade. "Uhhh.." "You know it's rude to point, right?" Shade asks, crossing his arms.

Dr. L pulls down his shades a little bit, raising an eyebrow. "Haven't the guards here done worse?" He asks. "Yeah..." Shade replies. "Uhh, you two seem to get along better than I expected." I say. "I mean, in gootraxian terms, aren't we brothers?" Dr. L asks. "I..I think so." I reply.

"Anyways, I'm going to take a wild guess and say you two are friends somehow." Dr. L says. "Yep." I reply. "Alright, well, mr..uh.." Dr. L says, asking for Shade's name. "Shade. I know, generic." Shade says. "Alright, well you better find somewhere safe, Mr. Shade..because it looks like the blackout is over." Dr. L says.

"..uh..haha, I was kind of expecting you to freak out when you became a nightshade.." I say. "Well, that's because I'm currently developing a cure. At least..that's what I've been trying to do ever since Andrew became infected with the parasite." Dr. L says. "How does that have anything to do with not freaking out?" I ask. "Use your brain, dude." Dr. L replies.
"..is that meant to be offensive?" I ask. "Yes. You should be very offended right now." Dr. L replies.

Suddenly, Shade fixes his gaze on something or, someone else. His pupils shrink, his mouth opens as if he's about to say something, before a voice around the corner yells out "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" The voice catches Dr. L and I off guard. Dr. L takes a lab coat off of a random rack, putting it on. "I got this, hold on." Dr. L says.

I look through the shelves, to see Kasnov. He's pointing what looks to be a famas at Shade's head. Dr. L rushes out of the room to presumably distract Kasnov. I continue watching through the shelves. Dr. L comes up in front of Kasnov, before clearing his throat. "Hey there, buddy ol pal, Kasnov, how ya doing?" Dr. L asks. "Wh- DR. L?!" Kasnov exclaims, swinging the famas over his back. Shade peeks up, and books it for the garden. Kasnov doesn't notice.

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