(Rewrite) Chapter 3: The Truth

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Dr. L grabs my hand, practically dragging me through the hallways, until we reach a large hallway, with a giant window, and what looks to be a garden inside of the window. Inside of the garden is a tree, grass, bushes, A trash can, some shelves, and a stairway leading to somewhere behind the garden.

Dr. L lets go of my arm as I see another scientist frantically rushing into the same hallway we were in, carrying a notebook and pen in his hands. He approaches the window, and glares at Dr. L. He isn't bothered by the looks of it.

"So, nice to meet you, trainee scientist. The higher-ups like Dr. L or Harry never told me your name. Mind telling me?" The scientist asks. "Jake...last name Wesson." I reply. "...Dr. Wesson..." The scientist says. Dr. L nudges my shoulder and nods. Understanding this, I ask "What's your name?" to the scientist.

"Dr. Sol." He replies, simply, turning to face the garden again. I look through the window, seeing nothing. "Ahem Wesson, you might want to prepare yourself for what you are about to see." Dr. L says. "Why is that?" I ask. "Watch." Dr. L says.

Two people in hazmats and gear carry another person by their arms, the person in their arms beginning to flail around and try to turn back. However, the guards holding them in place threaten to taze them, so the person they are carrying stops and obeys directions.

"..what is going to happen with them? I thought I was studying animals?" I ask. Dr. L and Sol are too invested watching it happen to answer me. Or so it seemed.

The two guards open a giant gate, and throw the person they were carrying onto the ground. They make a groan of pain before getting up off of the ground. The two guards then close the gate, walking into the garden with the person they threw in. The two guards chuckle to themselves.

"Pick up the damn flower." One of the guards says, slightly muffled through the thin glass and giant metal gate. "I-I don't want to! You're treating me like crap!" The person they threw in says, retaliating. "Tension is rising between the guard and subject, note that down." Dr. L says. 'Subject? A HUMAN subject? Did they volunteer for this? They're not being treated very well...' I think to myself.

I then open my notepad, writing down how the guards are getting mad at the 'subject' for not following orders. "Instead of sniffing that damn flower, I'll shove it down your throat if you don't listen to orders!" One of the guards says. The 'subject' looks at them in fear and horror, slowly picking a flower off of a bush.

I can't help but feel bad for the 'subject', they're being treated horribly!

They raise the flower up to their nose, sniffing it. Nothing happens for a few seconds, until they begin coughing violently. I write this down in my notebook hastily. "I hope you're ready for what you are going to witness, Wesson." Dr. L says.

Suddenly, the 'subject' falls down to the floor in a coughing fit, as a green gooey substance begins to form on their legs. I stand in silence, quickly writing that down. 'Oh god...what's going to happen with them?!' I think. I watch in shock as the green goo forms on the other leg, quickly moving up their torso, spreading to their arms and head. I watch as a tail is formed out from their back by the goo, and the 'subject' represents an animal made out of goo, leaves, and flowers.

I write all of this down on my notebook, as the 'subject' passes out. "Initial reaction...nothing." Dr. Sol says in a bored voice. 'They do this stuff to OTHER PEOPLE all the time?!' I think to myself. I can't help but feel bad for them. One minute ago they were a human, and now they're...a humanoid plant animal.

I watch as the two guards carefully pick the unconscious subject from off of the floor, moving them up the stairs, into a room I have not seen yet. "Eh?" Dr. L asks, bumping my shoulder. I stand completely still, mortified at the sight that unfolded before my very eyes. (1000 yard stare moment)

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