(Rewrite) Chapter 4: Computer Research

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I watch as the monitor comes to life. The screen tells me to input a password, to which I groan in frustration.

All frustration is lifted on of me as I see a sticky note on the desk saying "Password: 5673" on it. I input the password as I am greeted to a load of different apps.

There is an app called 'events', another one titled 'salary & work hours', another one called 'bestiary', another one called 'email', one called 'news', and finally, one called 'employee manual'.

I put my hand on the mouse, and immediately click on 'salary & work hours'. As soon as I open the app, a robotic voice says "Welcome, LAMINAX employee."

The sudden voice catches me off guard. As I scroll through, I read the salary for each job.

It reads as follows:

"Salary and work hours

Janitor: $15 an hour - 10 hours a day

Cafe Worker: $30 an hour - 6 hours a day

Trainee Medic: $15 an hour - 16 hours a day
Medic: $20 an hour - 18 hours a day

Trainee E&T: $15 an hour - 12 hours a day
Junior E&T: $18 an hour - 14 hours a day
E&T: $24 an hour - 15 hours a day
Senior E&T: $30 an hour - 16 hours a day
Head E&T: $80 an hour - 16 hours a day

Trainee Scientist: $20 an hour - 14 hours a day
Junior Scientist: $30 an hour - 15 hours a day
Scientist: $40 an hour - 16 hours a day
Senior Scientist: $60 an hour - 18 hours a day
Head Scientist: $100 an hour - 18 hours a day

Trainee Guard: $15 an hour - 16 hours a day
Junior Guard: $18 an hour - 16 hours a day
Guard: $22 an hour - 17 hours a day
Senior Guard: $30 an hour - 17 hours a day
Head Guard: $60 an hour - 20 hours a day

Site Director Bodyguard: $50 an hour - 16 hours a day
Site Director Assistant: $100 an hour - 16 hours a day
Site Director: $200 an hour - 16 hours a day

The Council's Bodyguards: $80 an hour - 20 hours a day
The Council: $300 an hour - 20 hours a day"

That is a lot of damn money The Council makes.

I can't help but feel excited that I may end up earning 60 bucks an hour if I do well enough to become a senior scientist.

I exit the app, opening the one titled 'events'.

It reads as follows:

"There are many different 'events' that can happen inside LAMINAX SITE-04. All of them are dangerous, so watch out when any of these events happen!

Power Outage: This 'event' can occur when the main power grid goes offline, and the emergency power grid is online. With the PO, the PO gootraxians may become more aggressive and active. If a PO occurs, please find the breach shelter. With the PO, there will be a red tint in the air, and all puddles and crystals will change to red.

See below for the gootraxians that become more active during this time.

-Red Slime Pup Variant
-Red Slime Hound Variant

If you encounter any gootraxians stated above, try to stay calm, and find a weapon to defend yourself with.

Blackout: This 'event' can occur when the main power grid goes offline, and the emergency power grid fails to turn online. With the BO, BO gootraxians become more aggressive and active. If a BO occurs, run for the breach shelter. Anyone not fast enough to get to the breach shelter will be left behind. With the BO, everything will become a lot darker, only allowing you to see twenty feet in front of you, even with a flashlight.

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