(Rewrite) Chapter 5: Late Interview & Lunch

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I rush over to the door of the room, opening it with my ID card. "Yo! Where you heading so soon?" Kai asks. "Too busy! Interview!" I exclaim, rushing out of the room, to the elevator. Once I reach the elevator, I hastily press the 'lab' button. The elevator doors close, as I wait for a few minutes.

After waiting a few minutes, the doors open, and I am greeted to yet another person in a lab coat. "God, I have been looking for you!" He says, relieved to find me. He's not Dr. L, but a scientist that looks like a high rank.

"...and, who are you?" I ask. "Harry. The head scientist of this damn place." He says, looking at me with a frown. "Why so gloomy?" I ask. "Trauma." Harry replies. "Can't you just..get over it?" I ask. Harry glares at me. "You've never dealt with trauma, have you?" He asks. "..no sir.." I reply.

Harry then groans. "Follow me to the interrogation room...c'mon." He says, facing the doors to the reception room. He starts walking forward, as I walk behind him. We continue walking, until we reach the security sector.

We then walk to our left up a few stairs, and reach a familiar hallway with two doors to the right, and a door to the left. I already recognise the door to my left as the locker room, so I walk in front of one of the doors to my right. "Wrong door." Harry says with a grumble. I walk over to the other door, as Harry pushes me out of the way and opens the door by pressing a button.

'..rude..' I think to myself.

Harry motions for me to come inside the room.

I walk inside of the room, met by a chair in the corner, A table, and a chair on each side. To my right is a large shelf with boxes and an orange bucket on it. 'Wait- An orange bucket?!' I think to myself. Harry catches me eyeing the bucket as he sits down on the seat on one end of the table. "I see you eyeing that bucket. Don't touch it." Harry says.

I back up from the shelf, sitting in a chair on the opposite end that Harry is sitting in. "Alright, I will now begin the interrogation." Harry says as he takes out a notebook. He reads something from it, and faces me. "So, for the first question. Do you have any close relationships with family members?" Harry asks me. I ponder for a second.

"Yeah. My mother, father, and my grandma." I reply. "And what about your grandpa?" Harry asks. I sit in silence for a moment. "That's....private information." I reply. 'My grandpa is dead, and has been for two years! How could he ask something so sensitive like that?!' I scream mentally.

"I understand.." Harry replies with a grumble. "Now, do you have a girlfriend?" Harry asks. 'What kind of damn questions are these?!' I scream mentally again, trying to retain a normal facial expression. "..eh, no. I don't have a girlfriend." I reply. "Good." Harry says. 'WHAT?! 'Good?!' What?!' I scream mentally once again.

"..now..if you were to go missing, would your family members worry about it, or come looking for you?" Harry asks. 'WHAT KIND OF QUESTIONS ARE THESE?!' I scream mentally yet again, my frustration growing. "..yes. Of course they would come looking for me. They care about their one and only child., why wouldn't they?" I reply. Silence. Harry doesn't respond.

"Moving on." Harry says, flipping a page in his notebook. "Have you signed the contract?" He asks. "Yep." I reply. "Amazing! Now..for the final question, if you were mutilated in some way, would you be bothered by it?" Harry asks, awaiting a reply. 'I'm not even going to question it anymore.'

"..in what universe would I not be bothered by it?" I ask. "I'm the one asking you questions here, Wesson. It's a simple yes or no question. Just answer for me." Harry says, A hint of irritation in his voice. "...yes." I reply. As soon as I respond, he begins writing something down in his notebook, though I'm not sure what.

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