(Rewrite) Chapter 6: Poweroutage

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"Not good at all.." Kai says. "Wait- If the power is off,how will we use the elevator?" I ask. "Well, during a Poweroutage, electricity systems work, but the lights are dimmed to avoid a power surge." Kai replies. "Oh, so we can just use the elevator and get down there?" I ask. "Yeah. But there is one slight problem. THE POWEROUTAGE GOOTRAXIANS ARE ROAMING. And can potentially free normal gootraxians from their cells! Isn't that exciting!" Kai exclaims.

"So, what so we..do?" I ask. "Going out to the lab would be WAY too risky. We should barricade ourselves in here." Kai says. "But what if..one of the gootraxians break through? And..eat us?" I ask. "Well, that wouldn't be very good now, would it? Let's just start barricading the door." Kai says. "Alright." I reply, taking the chair next to the desk and propping it sideways, pushing against the door. Kai takes a nightstand and places it up against the door.

I then help Kai lift up the couch, setting it down by the door and rotating it so that it covers the whole thing. I wipe a few drops of sweat off my forehead as Kai does the same. "Is this..strong enough to hold them back?" I ask. "I mean..it should be. A metal door should be enough already." Kai replies. "So..we're going to be fine...right?" I ask. "Yeah, we'll be fine as long as we don't do something dumb." Kai says.

I take notice that the only weapon Kai has on him is his glock, in a holster. "Shouldn't you have..another weapon with you?" I ask. "I mean..I have a taser. And a baton. And a glock. So we're fine." Kai replies. "Oh. I didn't notice.." I say. "Alright, time to see how long this thing lasts.." Kai says, laying down on the bottom bunk bed.

Suddenly, a pounding sound is heard at the door. My blood runs cold. "..you said we would be fine.." I say with a hint of worry. "There's no way a gootraxian could use an elevator, Jake." Kai says. "Haha..yeah...right.." I say.

The pounding gets louder. Suddenly, the couch blockading the door falls over. "OH SHI- DAMN!" Kai exclaims. Now the only thing blocking the door is the nightstand and the chair. I look down at the fallen over couch. Kai then jumps off of his bed, and jumps over the couch, watching the metal door and the pounding becoming louder.

It becomes louder and louder, until...




"AH, FUCK! THE DOOR IS GETTING BLOWN OFF OF ITS HINGES! HELP ME PUSH AGAINST THE DOOR JAKE!" Kai exclaims, pushing on the metal door. My heart skips a beat, the pace of it becoming faster and faster.

"JAKE!" Kai yells out to me. I run over to him, helping push the door. Suddenly, a red and purple gooey paw bursts through the door, bearing claws. Whatever is on the other end of the door swipes blindly, clawing Kai in the arm.

Kai groans in pain, stepping back from the door. "AGH...SHIT!" Kai exclaims. I push the door forward with as much force as I can, but to no avail. The thing on the other side of the door is definitely stronger than us. I glance back over at Kai with fear in my eyes.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" I exclaim. "ARGH- FUCK...YEP, ALL GOOD! JUST A SCRATCH..BUT I AM BLEEDING.." Kai says, going back to pushing the metal door with me. Suddenly, the door is thrust open, sending both me and Kai into the wall. We both groan in pain, as I slump over.

What stands behind the door is what seems to be a 'manic', one of the gootraxians I saw from the bestiary. It towers over us, and looks at us, before averting its gaze to a voice behind them.

"HEY! YA ANIMAL! COME CHASE ME! YOU WANT ME! YOU KNOW IT!" An all too familiar voice yells out. The manic begins to chase this unknown person down the hallway.

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