(Rewrite) Chapter 8: A Senior Scientist is Always Right

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Suddenly, the room bursts out into laughter. I an sent into a wave of confusion and shock. 'Was he...right? I hope so.' Suddenly, Kai chimes up. "God, what happened to you in that bathroom!" Kai exclaims. "I uh..passed out. Again. And uh..and Dr. L decided it would be a great idea to prank me by supergluing manic ears to my head. I freaked out when I woke up." I reply. "That's a detailed description." Kai says. Dr. L suddenly grasps my left shoulder firmly.

"Told ya so." Dr. L whispers into my ear. My ear flinches yet again. "Robotic manic ears? Now that's a step up, Dr. L!" A scientist says from the crowd. "Hell yeah. My pranks are becoming more advanced by the day!" Dr. L exclaims. Everyone in the room bursts out into laughter once again. "Haha! One time, Dr. L super glued a 3d printed catte bucket onto my head, and I was so paranoid! But nothing actually happened. I feel the embarrassment with ya, trainee!" A random scientist chimes up.

I can't help but chuckle a little bit at their story.

"That makes me remember! One time, I fell asleep while researching slimepups, and Dr. L lathered honey all over my lab coat, causing the slimepups to follow me everywhere I went! They all tried to lick the honey off my lab coat by jumping up, but they all failed! That day, I was given the nickname 'The Slimepup God' for whatever reason." Another scientist chimes up.

I can't help but chuckle once again, imagining what it must have been like, having slimepups jump on your back every two seconds, and chase you around while doing so.

Soon enough, almost everyone in that room told us all a prank that Dr. L pulled off. However, only me and Dr. L know my problem isn't a prank, and is the real deal.

Dr. L motions for me to go into the bathroom again, as I nod in understanding. I walk into the bathroom, and Dr. L follows suite. I walk to the stall furthest away from the door as he begins talking with me. "Listen- I may or may not have something to help you with your..troubles..but I'm going to have to wait for this blackout to end first..okay?" Dr. L says. I nod.

"Alright, once the blackout ends, just walk over to the barricaded entrance, and we are going to go out there and to my hotel room. Got it?" Dr. L asks. "Mhmm.." I reply. "Kay." Dr. L says. I am about to walk out of the bathroom, until I hear someone coming this way. I quickly hide in a stall and lock the door.

"Dr. L?"


"..what are you..doing..just..in the bathroom?"

"Oh you know..reflecting on the wonders of life..the bathroom is a great place to do that.."

"uh- Oookay..."

The person in the bathroom leaves.

"You can come out now." Dr. L says. I unlock the stall door, then walk out of it. Suddenly, my eyes start to hurt. I blink a few times, hoping for it to go away, but to no avail. "Yo. You okay?" Dr. L asks. "..yeah..yeah, I'm fine..I just think I got something in my eye.." I reply, still blinking rapidly. "Mmmkay. Well..lemme know if ya need anything." Dr. L says, walking out of the bathroom.

I walk up to the mirror, taking a good look at myself, and my eyes. There's nothing in my eye though. 'That's...odd. Nothing is in either of my eyes..' I think to myself. I brush it off, feeling as the pain in my eyes stops. I then walk out of the bathroom again, and head over to where Kai is sitting.

"..damn.." Kai says, looking at his wound from earlier. "Yeah? It's just a scratch, it shouldn't be that bad of a wound." I say. "I mean- Yeah- But these hazmat suits..they feel like...fragile..like they're just going to implode." Kai says. "Well..I've never worn one..so I wouldn't know what it feels like." I say. "I mean..of course. You're a scientist, I'm a guard. Scientists wear lab coats, guards wear hazmat suits." Kai says.

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