Chapter 23

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SantanaBanks: Something about you

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SantanaBanks: Something about you...

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My dad was not the biggest fan of the overly sexed up image that I displayed during my performance but he understands that it's part of my image. He is hosting the main afterparty following the vmas so we had a long conversation regarding my new single which was released following my performance.

I am amazed at how fast the people of the internet work as it has been two hours since I performed and there are like forty lyric videos sitting on YouTube. My song went straight to number one following the release of it which is insane and my performance at the show is the most talked about moment from the award show that ended an hour ago.

Aubrey and I have been making out for the past ten minutes since we got pretty tipsy following my return to the table which saw us all getting lit. He tried to fit in a quickie when we got back to the hotel room to get ready for the after party but I turned him down because I still remember what he said to me.

"I'm sorry, baby." Aubrey softly says as he looks into my eyes while rubbing my back. "I was jealous of the world seeing what's mine so I acted out when I should have communicated that better."

"What have I always told you?" I sigh while placing my left hand on his chest. "I am yours and only yours."

"I'm sorry." He apologises again as I nod my head. "I'm not expecting you to forgive me for all the shit I said but know that I truly am sorry for making you cry again. You deserve the very best in life even though I keep fucking it up but I love you, baby."

"I love you." We share another kiss before moving out of the way as some rapper walks past with some girl. 

There is that part of me that wants to leave this man because he is always messing things up between us but I have always known that he is the one. I knew that he was the one for me when we went on our first date but seeing him become a father to Zara let me know that I made the right choice.

While engaged in another makeout session, Chey pulls us apart as my parents have made it to the party and my dad is preparing to make a short speech.

"I just want to start off by thanking you for all coming out tonight." My dad looks around at the never ending crowd as my mother stands at his side. "This is a party after all so I'm not going to speak for much longer so enjoy the night as we have lots of entertainment, an open bar and my daughter fucking rocks."

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