Chapter 8

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SantanaBanks: I love it when you call me señorita

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SantanaBanks: I love it when you call me señorita

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The Banks Family have finally made it to Cabo to celebrate my parents thirtieth wedding anniversary and everything is going according to plan. Aubrey was somehow able to make it to Mexico and make sure that everything was running smoothly while avoiding the attention of the public.

He usually gets spotted so I was pleasantly surprised not to see his name in the blog sites. 

Our parents have no idea that we are planning to surprise them since they thought it would be a romantic trip for two. Ronnie surprised them with the tickets yesterday so when we dropped them off at the airport, we all acted as if weren't going to see them for the week.

Unbeknownst to them, we got ourselves a private jet to fly us out so we wouldn't be spotted by paparazzi. I'm just thankful that Aubrey didn't run into them considering that he is staying at hotel a couple of miles away from the villa.

I look up to see Irene quietly coming down the stairs with a look of pure concentration on her face.

"They're coming down." She whispers and we all start scattering like cats. "I've set the camera's up."

While my parents were upstairs in their bedroom, we were setting up a floor display on the table so they could come down to a little surprise.

"What if they come down naked?" Zain quietly asks me as we kneel down besides the chest drawers.

I glance over at Irene while making mention to our clothes and she tries not laugh.

"Robe." She mouths and I give her the thumbs up.

Ronnie stands up from his hiding space, "Dad better not come out with his dick slinging or we're going to have a problem."

We used to surprise our parents in their bedrooms but one day we witnessed them in engaging in sexual activity and we could not do anything since we were hiding in the closet. It was traumatising and we decided against surprising them in their rooms because that was a lot to listen to.

We all quieten down as we hear our mom making her way down the steps followed by our dad who has a towel wrapped around his waist. He wraps his arms around her waist while kissing on her neck and I pull a face.

"Did you do this?" She looks up at him and he shakes his head while looking confused. "Then who the hell did?"

"The kids probably organised it." He mumbles while pressing himself up against her.

As she goes to kiss him, we all jump out with our party poppers.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" We scream before pulling on the strings and the reaction on my parents faces has me leaning against the wall for support.

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