Chapter 15

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CouplesOHolly: IT Couple #Drake & #SantanaBanks get into an argument before the Warriors game

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CouplesOHolly: IT Couple #Drake & #SantanaBanks get into an argument before the Warriors game. Santana appeared to be engaged in an argument with her brother, Banks Record A&R #RonnieBanks before turning on her fiance who looked over it.

Do you see this couple making it down the aisle?  

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"You overreacted." My mother tells me after I've recount last nights argument to her. "I will personally deal with Ronnie myself because I never raised him to behave in that manner but you need to apologise for what you said."

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm not apologising."

"Don't make me beat your ass." She gives me a warning look so I turn my attention to my daughter who is drinking orange juice while watching a kids show on my phone. "You guys made a scene and now I'm the one who has to clean it up so if I tell you to fix it then you do what I say."


"I worked too damn hard to make this family a unit and I will not have you guys going your separate ways over petty bullcrap." I sigh at her words. "I know that you are under a lot of stress with the album, being a mother and trying to find yourself but you don't get to take that out on people. Somebody is always going to have something to say whether you like it or not but how you respond is what makes or break it."

"What do I do?" I tiredly ask my mom who cups my face.

"You show them that your momma didn't raise no b-i-t-c-h." She winks at me and I giggle. "When Carlos started making it big, everybody was trying to split us up because they all wanted him to be with the hottest artist. People will create an image of you and when you don't live up to that, they start running their mouths. Everyone had the most to say about me but I didn't care because I was secure in myself and in my marriage. While they were talking their crap, I was building our empire and laughing all the way to the bank."

My mother's words bring me great comfort.

"All you have to do is set your boundaries and if Aubrey is not meeting or respecting them then it's onto the next guy." She holds up her hand and we high five eachother. "The rule to a successful anything is to trust and respect yourself. Making scenes in public and bringing bad publicity to your name will get you nowhere. You may want to embarrass him but that adds nothing to your relationship and he will despise you more than he will like you after that."

"I thought about throwing my ring at him." I confess while covering my face in embarrassment. "I knew that the world was looking but I didn't care because he made me so angry."


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