Chapter 44

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Hazel POV

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on my room. Chloe was there, a reassuring presence by my side. Today was my doctor's appointment, a day that held uncertainty.

I nudged Chloe awake, and she sat up, blinking away sleep. "Morning, Hayz. Ready for today?" she asked, her concern evident.

"Yeah, but there's something I need to talk to you about," I said, meeting her gaze.

Concern flashed in her eyes. "What's going on?"

"I'm moving," I confessed.

"What? No way. What do you mean you're moving?" Chloe's disbelief rang in her voice.

"I can't stay here anymore, Chloe. I just can't," tears streamed down my face.

Chloe wiped away my tears, determined. "Fine. Where are we moving to?"

"No, Chloe. I appreciate it, but you don't have to—"

"Hazel, stop being stubborn. I'm moving with you. End of discussion. I've already talked to my parents, and they're willing to help in any way for you," Chloe asserted, a weary smile on her face.

"What, Chloe? I told you I didn't want anyone finding out, especially your parents."

"I know, Hayz, but my mom sensed something, and, well, I spilled the beans. She understands you don't like accepting favors, but please, don't be stubborn. Let me find us a new place. We're sisters, Hayz, not by blood, but you're family, and I love you. I want to be by your side," Chloe said, tears matching mine. "Say yes, please."

With a knot in my throat, I sighed, "Okay."

"Enough tears. Let's get ready for your doctor's appointment," Chloe declared, standing up and walking out.

I got ready, and together, we headed to the hospital.

In the waiting room, Chloe's nervous energy was palpable. She fidgeted with her fingers, a telltale sign of her anxiety. When the doctor knocked and entered, tension hung in the air.

"How were the tests, doc?" Chloe asked anxiously as the doctor settled in.

The doctor sighed and looked at me. "Well, Hazel, the tests revealed something unexpected. You're pregnant."

"What?" I exclaimed in shock. "Doc, that can't be. I was told I was practically sterile because of cancer treatments."

"Yeah, doc. We were told we couldn't have kids," Chloe added.

"The chances were less than 1%, but sometimes..." I couldn't focus on the doctor's words. My hand instinctively went to my stomach. I had a baby growing inside me. A mix of emotions overwhelmed me until the doctor mentioned terminating the pregnancy.

"What? Terminate the pregnancy?" I interrupted.

He explained the risks, how I couldn't undergo cancer treatment while pregnant. Chloe voiced her concerns, worried about the cancer spreading. The doctor confirmed the risk, leaving the decision in my hands.

"I won't get treated. My baby comes first," I declared.

"But, Hayz—" Chloe started, her worry etched on her face.

"The decision is mine, and I want to have this baby," I asserted.

The doctor prescribed medications safe for the baby and scheduled an appointment with an OBGYN. Chloe was torn, but I could see the understanding in her eyes.

"Chloe, I've always wanted to be a mother. This is my little miracle baby," I reassured her.

"You're right. I'm here for you, Hayz," Chloe said, a mix of emotions playing on her face.

"Thank you, Chloe," I replied, knowing the journey ahead would be challenging but determined to face it with the support of my best friend.

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