Chapter 14

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Hazel POV

I woke up the next morning, feeling a bit better. I recalled the events of yesterday, but I shrugged them off. Chloe came into my room and said, "Good morning! It's Sunday, let's go shopping and have lunch together."

I didn't want to go shopping, but Chloe was suspicious of my reluctance. "Why don't you want to come?" she asked.

"I don't know, I just don't feel like it," I replied.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" she asked, concern in her voice.

I didn't want to tell her about fainting in the elevator yesterday, so I decided to go along with her plan. "No, I'm fine. Let's go," I said, forcing a smile.

Chloe and I spent the day together, going from store to store. As usual, people couldn't stop staring at Chloe, and I felt out of place. We finally stopped for lunch, and Chloe started talking about her work.

"How's work going, Hazel?" Chloe asked.

"I'm coping as best I can," I replied.

As we finished our meal, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Dr. Anderson. He greeted me, and I introduced him to Chloe.

Chloe instantly liked him, and I noticed she was trying to play cupid between us. I didn't like Dr. Anderson in that way, and I played dumb to Chloe's plan.

Chloe wasn't having it, and she convinced Dr. Anderson to join us at a small cafe down the block. The doctor accepted, and we all walked there together.

At the cafe, we started talking about each other. Michael would low-key praise me when Chloe would talk about me, and I appreciated his support. But I could also see Chloe's ulterior motives.

When Michael went to use the restroom, I told Chloe to stop what she was doing. "I don't have any feelings for Dr. Anderson, and I'm sure he doesn't have any feelings for me either," I said.

Chloe played innocent and said she didn't know what I was talking about, but I could tell she wasn't fooling anyone. She said Dr. Anderson would be a good catch and could help me forget about Aiden.

"I don't need help forgetting about Aiden," I said, trying to make it clear that I had moved on.

Chloe didn't believe me, but I didn't want to argue anymore. We were interrupted by Spencer, who walked up to us and asked if he could sit with us while he waited for Aiden to arrive.

Chloe was extremely annoyed with Spencer, but he was persistent. "Please, Chloe, just this once?" he pleaded.

Before Chloe could turn him down once again, Aiden arrived greeted us.

Then Michael arrived and greeted Spencer and Aiden. I could tell Aiden was annoyed with Michael's presence.

Chloe then asked Aiden if he knew the doctor, and Michael explained that he was Aiden's sister's doctor.

Chloe then surprised us all by inviting everyone over for dinner at our apartment. "It'll be a great opportunity for us to all get to know each other better," she said.

Aiden didn't say anything, but I could see the look of surprise on his face. Spencer was thrilled at the idea, but I could tell Michael was hesitant.

I could feel my anxiety rising at the thought of having everyone over at our apartment, but since this happened so suddenly, I couldn't talk to Chloe and tell I didn't feel comfortable with this.

"Chloe, I'm sure they are very busy." I tried to say.

"No. Aiden and I aren't busy at all," Spencer replied.

Now I was getting annoyed with him.

I'm pretty sure Michael noticed I was hesitant because he replied, "Thanks for the offer, Chloe, but I couldn't impose."

"Yes, I agree with Dr. Anderson. We can't impose on such short notice, " Aiden said.

However, Chloe always got what she wanted. "You guys are not imposing, but ok. How about we all have dinner some other time? When are you available, Dr. Anderson?" She asked and looked towards the doctor.

"Um, how about Friday night?" He replied, unsure.

"Aiden and I can also make it on friday." Spencer added, and Chloe looked annoyed.

"Right," Chloe said, sounding annoyed at him. "So it settled. Friday night. That's OK with you, right Hayz?" Chloe said, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

I hated it when she did this. She knew I could never say no to her.

"Yes, that's fine," I responded.

"Perfect," Chloe responded as she stood up. "So well see Aiden and Michael on friday."

I stood up as well. I guess we were finally leaving.

"I'll be there too," Spencer replied, but Chloe ignored him.

"Well, if you'll excuse us. Hayz and I are going to head out. We'll see you guys on Friday at 8 pm, " Chloe said.

The three men agreed with Chloe, and we said our goodbyes, and Chloe and I headed out the door toward her car.

Once Chloe and I were finally alone inherit car I said "Chloe what the heck was that?" I almost yelled.

"Hayz, I know. I'm sorry. I would have asked you, but I knew you were going to say no, " she pouted.

"Of course I'm going to say no. You know I don't like this sort of thing. It makes me uncomfortable, plus..."

"Plus, it's a great way to show Aiden what he lost," Chloe responded.

"What the heck are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Hayz, you really are blind. That sexy doctor has the hots for you. Anyone, but you could see that from a mile away. I invited them to dinner so Aiden gets jealous realizes what he had lost, and so the sexy doctor finally asks you out on a date. That stupid Spencer has nothing to do this. He just tagged along to get on my nerves, " she sighed.

I looked at Chloe like she had just lost her mind.

"Chloe, have you lost your mind. First of all, Dr. Anderson doesn't like me that way. Second, Aiden is my boss, and even if he wasn't, you know he doesn't like me. You know what he said before. He would never like me anyway. So there's no point to your plan. We should just call them and call this dinner off, " I said.

"Not going to happen. Hayz, you know when I get excited about something, there is no stopping me. And FYI, I'm really excited about this dinner." She replied, smiling at me.

I sighed. I knew she was right.

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