Chapter 22

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Hazel POV

It had been a few weeks since Aiden and I had been working closely together in the office. Every now and then, I would catch glimpses of Aiden's father around, but after discovering his true nature, my perception of him had drastically changed. I couldn't fathom how a father could treat his children the way he treated them.

One evening after work, Chloe confronted me about our diminishing hangouts, pointing out that I had been too caught up with work to spend time with her. She suggested going to a nightclub that night to let loose and have some fun. Initially hesitant, I eventually agreed, unable to resist Chloe's persuasive nature. She had a way of making things seem exciting.

Stepping into the vibrant nightclub, an overwhelming sense of unfamiliarity washed over me. The pulsating music, dim lights, and crowded dance floor made me feel out of place. Chloe introduced me to her friends, and I tried my best to be sociable, but the discomfort lingered within me.

"Thanks for coming, Hazel. I know this isn't your thing, but I appreciate it," Chloe said, acknowledging our differences.

"I enjoy spending time with you too, Clo! I just wish it could have been somewhere more comfortable," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity. Chloe rolled her eyes playfully, knowing our friendship was built on compromise.

Needing a break from the overwhelming atmosphere, I made my way to the bar to grab a drink.

To my surprise, I spotted Aiden and Spencer standing there. They noticed me, and Aiden greeted me warmly. Spencer, on the other hand, seemed annoyed by my presence.

"Hi, Hazel. Didn't expect to see you here. Are you enjoying yourself?" Aiden asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.

"Oh, hi, Aiden. Yeah, it's definitely an experience," I replied, trying to keep my tone light despite the unease.

Spencer then chimed in, mispronouncing my name once again. "Oh, hi. Haley, right?" he said, clearly not bothering to remember it correctly.

Aiden, growing annoyed, corrected him sternly. "Dude, how can you still get her name wrong? Her name is Hazel."

Spencer, raising his hands in defense, tried to downplay his mistake. "Geez, sorry. I didn't realize saying her name wrong was such a big deal."

Aiden's irritation was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of validation.

Just when I thought the awkwardness couldn't escalate further, a few other guys joined Aiden and Spencer. Aiden introduced them to me, but the booming music drowned out their names, leaving me with a mere exchange of greetings.

My self-consciousness intensified, but before it could consume me entirely, Chloe stumbled over, slightly intoxicated, and approached our group with a mix of excitement and slurred speech.

"Hey, Hayz! Finally, you're here! And hello, Aiden and Spencer. You better not mess with my girl here!" Chloe exclaimed, raising her voice and drawing attention to us. The guys around us couldn't help but stare at Chloe, but she seemed oblivious to their gazes.

Chloe's protective outburst embarrassed me, and I quickly excused myself from the group, knowing I needed to guide Chloe away from potentially more embarrassing situations.

"Come on, Chloe. Let's join your other friends over there. They've been looking for you," I suggested, hoping to divert her attention.

Chloe giggled and followed me, and as we walked away, a mix of emotions swirled within me. Embarrassment washed over me as I realized Chloe's intoxicated proclamation had drawn even more attention to our

Aiden POV

Seeing Hazel at the nightclub took me by surprise. The vibrant lights and pulsating energy seemed out of place for her. I nudged Spencer, who seemed completely unaware of her presence until I pointed her out.

"Hey, isn't that our neighbor?" Spencer asked, his uncertainty evident.

I corrected him with a tinge of annoyance. "Yeah, She has a name, Spencer."

"Who cares about her. You think Chloe is hete with her, " he asked me, but I ignored him.

As I approached Hazel, I could sense her discomfort in this unfamiliar environment.

Spencer, being Spencer, managed to get her name wrong when he greeted her. I introduced her to my friends, Ashton and Blake, but Hazel appeared visibly uncomfortable, and the guys exchanged briefly said hey.

Then Chloe stumbled over, clearly drunk.

Chloe's drunken warning to me and Spencer not to mess with Hazel. I could see Hazel's embarrassment wash over her, and a surge of protectiveness flooded through me. I cursed the times I had joined Spencer in mocking Hazel.

As soon as Hazel steered Chloe away, Spencer voiced his frustration. "Geez, her friend is such a cockblocker. How are they even friends?" The guys around us agreed and laughed.

"Spencer, cut it out. Stop badmouthing her, and you know you don't stand a chance with Chloe anyway," I snapped, my irritation seeping through.

Spencer, finally sensing the tension, looked taken aback but tried to brush it off. "Come on, Aiden. What's gotten into you lately? You used to make fun of her too."

"Well, not anymore. She's my friend now, and I would appreciate it if you stopped making fun of her," I replied, my irritation growing.

"Since when is she your friend? I thought she was just your employee. Chill out, man. What's gotten into you?" Spencer asked, sounding genuinely perplexed.

"Yes, she works for me, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends," I retorted, frustration lingering within me.

"Why are you defending her so much? Do you like her or something?" Spencer asked with an amused smirk forming on his face.

"No, I don't. I just think it's wrong to make fun of people for no reason," I replied, struggling to find the right words. Why was I so angry and defensive?

Spencer laughed. "Whoa, you had me worried for a second there, man. I thought you lost your mind or something. I mean, you're Aiden Jameson, the biggest player in New York. How could you possibly be interested in that plain little neighbor of ours?" The guys joined in the laughter, and I felt my hands clench involuntarily. I despised them talking negatively about Hazel.

"Relax, man. It's all in good fun," Ashton chimed in, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"No harm? You just don't get it, do you? Is it amusing to you to belittle someone who doesn't deserve it?" I exclaimed angrily. Spencer and the others exchanged surprised glances. "You know what, forget it. I'll see you guys later," I declared, walking away from them.

"Aiden, come on, we were just joking around. No need to leave," Spencer called after me, but I paid no attention. I made my way to the exit, feeling a mix of confusion and frustration.

Why did I care so much about Hazel's well-being? What was it about her that ignited this protective instinct within me?

Deep down, I knew there was something special about Hazel, something that drew me to her. I pushed the thought away as I made my way to my car and drove home.

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