Chapter 41

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Hazel POV

A strange voicemail from Aiden echoed through my phone, filled with anger and frustration. His tone was not from the Aiden I knew. He had never yelled like that before.

Leaving my phone on the kitchen counter while assisting Chloe, I only discovered Aiden's voicemail over an hour later. Chloe had dozed off, so I figured it was an opportune time to check on Aiden.

I made my way down to his apartment and knocked. Despite having a key, I preferred to knock. When there was no response, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. "Aiden?" I called, scanning the room. "Is everything okay?"

Aiden sat on the sofa, fixated on what seemed to be pictures. "Well, look who it is. The cheater is here," he said, rising. His demeanor suggested intoxication.

"Aiden, are you okay? What's going on?" I asked, concern etched on my face.

"Am I okay? Am I okay? You've got to be kidding me. After what you did, you come and ask me if I'm okay?" he slurred, approaching me with photos in hand. "Look at this and tell me if I should be okay."

He handed me the photos, and I was taken aback. "Aiden, what are these?" I questioned.

"What the hell do you mean, what are these? It's you and the stupid doctor. The doctor you said you had nothing to do with," he accused.

"Aiden, these photos aren't real. They must have been altered and photoshopped. I would never do this," I protested.

"Please, is that the best excuse you can think of? Ha," Aiden scoffed.

"Look, Aiden, I don't think you're in the right state of mind right now. I think we should talk when you're sober," I urged, attempting reason.

"Who says I want to talk with you," he retorted, answering his ringing phone. "Okay, I'll be right down."

"Where are you going? You shouldn't go anywhere in that state," I pleaded, reaching for his arm.

"Let go of me. My friends are here, and they're taking me out for a good time," he declared, pulling away and heading to his front door.

"Aiden..." I began.

"You better not be here when I come back," he warned, closing the door.

I tried to follow him, but he rushed to the elevator, leaving me unable to catch up before the doors closed. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop him.

Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Why would someone alter those photos?

Deciding not to burden Chloe with this right now, considering her hangover and deep sleep, I continually called and texted Aiden. Returning to my apartment, I frequently checked if Aiden had returned to his, but unfortunately, he hadn't.

HazelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang