Chapter 43

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Hazel POV

I laid in my room, enveloped in darkness, feeling utterly numb. Life seemed like a relentless force conspiring against me.

My mind wandered back to childhood—the dreaded hospital visits for chemotherapy. The only silver lining in those moments of despair was Chloe. We met in the hospital, both navigating the turbulent waters of chemotherapy. Her infectious laughter and perpetual smile were my lifelines.

As we broke the news of my recent diagnosis to each other, we were emotionally drained. Chloe assured me she'd accompany me to the doctor's appointment on Wednesday.

The next thing on my agenda was dealing with work. I had no desire to step foot into the office. Chloe, ever the pragmatic friend, called her lawyer. Given my health situation, he advised that I could request termination of my contract. He took it upon himself to submit my resignation, aiming for a seamless process.

Surprisingly, a swift response arrived from the law firm. Mr. William Jameson, the man himself, sent an email accepting my termination. Remarkably, there would be no legal repercussions for not fulfilling my contract.

On Tuesday, I lay in bed, Chloe by my side. The tranquility shattered as the door opened, and Chloe sprang to her feet. Angry voices followed, and then the door slammed shut.

Chloe re-entered my room, and I sat up, intrigued. "Who was that, Chloe?" I inquired.

"That was the cheating bastard from below, the one who shall not be named. How dare he show his face here after what he did to you?" she spat out, her tone laced with anger.

"What? Why did he come? Did he say anything?" I pressed.

"He wanted to know if you were okay. Apparently, he was surprised by your resignation and couldn't fathom how you terminated your contract," she relayed.

"At least they kept my resignation private, just as I asked," I mused.

"I guess. But you know, there's nothing wrong with sharing rhe truth with people..." she started.

"I know, Chloe. But you understand, right? I don't want pity," I interjected.

"Yeah, I suppose," she conceded.

"What time is your appointment tomorrow?" she inquired.

"It's at 10 am. But you really don't have to come, Chloe. If you have work..." I attempted.

"To hell with work. I'm going to be by your side every step of the way, Hayz. You're more than my best friend, and you know that. So, whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me," she declared.

"Thanks, Chloe," I said, hugging her.

"You know I love you," she uttered, tears streaming down her face.

I joined in the tears and replied, "I love you too."

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