Chapter 31

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Hazel POV

The week flew by, and I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Aiden and I were living in a blissful bubble of stolen kisses and secret rendezvous at work. Every day, he would pick me up from my apartment, drop me off at work, and throughout the day, he would call me into his office, closing the door behind us to steal a passionate kiss. It was both thrilling and surreal, and I found myself willingly surrendering to the forbidden romance.

As Friday night approached, my excitement soared to new heights because Chloe was finally returning home. I couldn't wait to share everything with her.

After Aiden dropped me off, I took a refreshing shower and changed into comfy pajamas. I was engrossed in a TV show when Chloe burst through the door, exclaiming, "Hayz!"

I jumped up and embraced her tightly. "Chloe!"

We settled down on the couch, and she gave me a suspicious look. "Hayz, what's going on? You seem different," she said, curiosity evident in her eyes.

I took a deep breath and looked at Chloe, ready to spill the beans. "Sit down, I have something to tell you," I said, motioning for her to join me on the sofa.

"Okay," she replied, taking a seat in front of me. "Spill it. What's going on?"

With a mix of excitement and nerves, I poured out all the details to Chloe, making sure I left nothing out.

"What the hell? All this has been happening, and you didn't even call to tell me!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"I wanted to tell you in person," I explained, hoping she would understand.

"Girl, you have your first boyfriend, and it's Aiden Jameson! You should have called me immediately!" she yelled, a playful scolding in her voice.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just thought it would be better to share it face to face," I said, feeling guilty for not reaching out sooner.

"I forgive you, but seriously, what the heck? Wait a minute, back up. He said you can't tell people?" she questioned, her tone now concerned.

I nodded, feeling a pang of unease. "Yes, well, he is my boss after all. We have to keep it under wraps for now."

"I don't like that. Not one bit," she replied, her expression growing serious. "That Aiden is going to hear a few choice words from me," she declared, standing up, ready for confrontation.

I quickly grabbed her arm, urging her to stay. "Chlo, please don't go. It's because he's my boss. We'll tell everyone once my six months are up," I reasoned, desperately hoping to calm her down.

"But, Hayz, I really don't like the idea that this man is trying to hide the fact that..." she began to protest.

"He's not hiding anything, Chloe. We'll share our relationship when the time is right. Besides, he asked me to be his date to his graduation party this weekend," I revealed, hoping it would soften her stance.

"I'm sorry, what?" she exclaimed, caught off guard. "How can you be his date if no one can know about you two?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Well, we'll know, and that's what matters. But here's where I need your help, Could we go out shopping and could you help me with my hair and make up?" I asked her, shifting the focus to a more exciting topic.

Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Hazel Hart, that's music to my ears," she said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Will you help me?" I asked, my voice filled with hope.

"Of course, I will!" she replied eagerly, and we shared another hug filled with anticipation and sisterly love.

"Thank you, Chloe. Oh, and you're definitely coming with me to the party, right?" I asked, wanting her support and presence by my side.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," she declared, excitement and loyalty shining in her eyes.

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