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You guys amaze me....1K votes for what lol

Anyway I know you are smart and I understand you are excited but please don't put separate letter and separate word comments haha. Defeats my purpose of wanting to know your thoughts ❤️

Target for next chapter - 1000 votes and 500 comments

*** Vaishnavi ***

"Such a sweet and innocent women she is," I exclaimed the moment amma left. Adi smiled.

"Tell me about the chunni," he said walking back.

"Forget the chunni," I said excited, "Let's talk about amma. Actually I will start calling her amma too. We can have her in the palace...oh and her husband too...I will start calling him bapuji....and then....we can all be one big happy fami...."

"Vaishu, vaishu," Adi gently held my hands to stop me from talking, "Calm down you are getting way too excited." and I looked at him confused.

"Tell me about Pooja's chunni," he added in attempts to divert me.

"Adi why are you changing the topic," I hesitantly asked.

"Because Vaishu, you are getting your expectations too high," Adi said gently placing his hand on my cheek, "I cried about not having a family yesterday....and amma...came in here today because she is a kind hearted person who took pity on me...."

I fell silent.

"I know she is so motherly and embracing and her mere presence made me feel loved, but sweetheart, it's wrong to expect her to treat us as her children and neither is it practically possible," he added.

"But Adi...." I said like a little girl as my eyes were filled with tears, "....we can still try right....I really want amma....I want to know how it feels....to sleep in her lap....to eat her food....and to....and to....get gifts and...to...just be loved...."

Adi looked down and away to hide his tears.

"So do I, my angel," he said as his voice broke at the end, "So do I...." "But...." he said looking back into my eyes, "sadly...all we have is each other...."

I broke into tears and hugged him. He tightened his arms around me and placed his chin over my head as if we could take away each other's pain with the embrace and we held each other crying until we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

I quickly pulled myself away from Adi and wiped my tears. Adi wiped his little tears too with the back of his hand before gaining his composure and anoouncing the soldier to come in.

"What is it?" he asked as the soldiers carried in a huge wooden box.

"Your highness, it's the box from Mrs. Yashoda," the soldiers replied.

Adi and I looked at each other surprised.

Such a big box!?

The soldiers then gave the keys to Adi before bowing and leaving the room. In absolute confusion Adi and I opened the box to find heaps of gifts.....drawings from little girls....homemade sweets....handmade bracelets.....sacred lockets....knitted clothes....and many more....

Adi took one of the papers and found a small drawing with a stick figure of a man and a little girl beside him. "Love you Shiv bhaiyya," was written by a child at the end. Adi had a look at it and smiled. I took a locket that I found which has a letter adressed to me.

'This is my first letter, your highness. So I decided to write it to my god gifted daughter who taught me how to read. The locket is a humble gift from me. I hope you like it.'

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