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Early update as promised :)

*** Vaishnavi ***

I wanted this!

I asked for this!

I even decorated our room....all by myself.....yet I am still unable to fight back the anxiousness in my heart....

What are you even worried about Vaishu.....it's not a random stranger...it's Adi.....our Adi......

I tried to calm down myself down. 

However none of it seems to be working and the moment I heard the door unlock, my heart skipped a beat and I did the stupidest thing one could ever do....randomly grab a book and turned to the other side pretending to be reading.

Come on Vaishu!

I shouldn't have done that...I should've greeted him with a smile...this is an indirect insult....but it's too late....and I have no choice but to continue my act.

I heard his footsteps slowly making way towards me and I continued to look at the book, even moving my finger across some of the lines to make it more believable.

What are you doing Vaishu!?

You are making it worse for yourself....

Soon enough I sensed Adi's presence right behind me.

 I waited for him to talk, say something, do something, but he remained silent....without even touching me.

Did I offend him?

After what seemed like an eternity, I felt him arm across my shoulder reaching out for my book. I still did not turn back but my heart beat kept visibly increasing.

Adi inverted the book so that it's placed in my hand properly.

I've been pretending to read an upside down book all along!?

This couldn't get any more awkward.

"Good night," Adi said after giving me a moment to ponder over my stupidity and I immediately closed the book and turned back to him surprised.

He has a completely neutral face and just looked at me blankly.

"I...am finding it difficult to understand...if you are offended...or just teasing me..." I said outloud in order to stop my overthinking.

"Teasing you, Vaishu, obviously," Adi said breaking into a smile and I took a sign of relief. "Barely takes any effort to get your attention," he joked shaking his head and looking away.

Offended by that statement, I opened the book again and started reading. 

Adi immediately snatched the book from my hand.

"All eyes on me when I am around," he commanded.

"My attention needs to be earned," I countered and reached out for the book.

He moved it far away. I took a step closer to reach out for it and he instinctively grabbed my face, turned it towards him and kissed me.

"I said all eyes on me when I am around," he whispered making me blush.

I thought I was supossed to be offended.....

Come on Vaishu....stay strong!

"There are other books to read," I said trying my best to maintain a stern face.

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