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*** Vaishnavi ***

"I apologize for Meihu's behaviour general," I said once everyone left.

"No apology needed, your highness," the general said, "I know she doesn't speak for you."

I smiled.

"Anything else you would like to talk about?" the general asked. I remained silent. Should I or should I not?

"The sacred thread I gave you," the general's words interrupted my thoughts, "I have another similar one and I gave it to my sister." "The point I am trying to make is," the general continued, "you can tell me anything that a girl would be comfortable to tell her brother."

I smiled. This is such a sweet gesture from him. I decided to speak up.

"I want to know...." I started hesitantly, "what would make the king angry?"

"So many things that I could probably write a book about it," the general joked. "Why do you want to know that?" he asked when he noticed the concerned look on my face.

"Because right now, our relationship is good and I don't want to do anything to make him angry," I confessed.

"That's not a very effective stratergy, your highness," the general immediately responded, "Why would you want to walk on egg shells around your husband for the rest of your life."

"Because the consequences of not doing so are dangerous," I answered.

"There aren't....any dangerous consequences, your highness," the general said almost sounding surprised at my initial statement. "I'd know because I get on his nerves every single day," he added.

I am still not convinced and perhaps the general noticed it too.

"If you are still scared then might I remind you that I took a vow to protect you with my life," he said, "the king has to fight and kill me before he could even think of hurting you."

That was a very assuring statement. Especially coming from a man with such strength and capability. I immediately felt calm and at ease.

"Anything else, your highness?" the general asked.

I shook my head. "Thanks for all your help, general," I said, "It really means a lot."

"Anytime your highness," the general said and made his way out.

Meihu immediately rushed in followed by Naina.

"Your highness, I need to...."

"No," I interrupted. It takes me a lot of assurance to allow myself a tiny bit of freedom and one conversation with Meihu ruins everything.

"Looks like the general charmed you, your highness," Meihu said sarcastically.

"All he did was to say something you should've told me as a friend," I said a little angry.

Wow! I am actually expressing anger. Adi would be so proud.

"And that requires the both of you to be left alone in a private room for the second time?" Meihu asked.

I looked at her in disbelief. I am not even angry now. I am hurt! Genuinley hurt!

"Meihu that's enough," Naina said taking my side. 

I was surprised. I always thought Naina is quiet and shy like me, but she knows when to take a stand. Wish I was like that.

"How can you make such deragatory statements about your own friend?" she asked.

"I did not," Meihu replied, "But the other male soldiers did. The world is not as progressive and you and I. The general and queen requesting to be left alone two out of three times they met will never be viewed in good light."

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