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Early update as I am having a bad day and need something to cheer up lol


*** Confinement Day 1 ***

** Vaishnavi **

I went back to our chambers after having a bath, slightly anxious about Adi's mood. He wasn't very happy about the punishment yesterday so it would be too optimistic to expect that everything is going to turn out better today.

However, to my surprise he seems to be in a very good mood as the first thing he did was to hide behind the doors and pull me towards him the moment I placed the tea cup on the table.

"Good morning, Vaishu," he smiled as he appiled the sindhoor.

"Is it mandatory to pull me into your embrace every single time?" I asked playfully.

"I was testing your defensive skills," Adi joked, "and you've successfully disappointed me once again."

"Well," I signed, "I just don't have a very good teacher."

"True," Adi chuckled, "That silly man is always busy with state affairs." "But today I will make sure he comes straight to the practice grounds as soon as he is done with the royal court," he added.

"Court?" I asked, "You...are...not allowed to...remember..."

"Right," Adi signed as he took a step back.

Oh he forgot! Well that explains......

"Adi...please don't be angry," I tried to console him.

"How can I not be angry, Vaishu?" Adi said as he walked past me, "when for the first time ever, nothing seems to be in my control."

"Isn't that...exactly why you should not be angry?" I asked, "Because your anger is not going to change anything..."

 Adi looked at me and remained silent for a brief second before diverting his attention to the tea cup.

"Why did you bring the tea today?" he asked to distract himself.

"I made it too," I said with a smile.

"Vaishu...is this regarding what I said in the temple yesterday?" Adi immediately asked, "I was just joking...I...."

"I know," I interrupted, "But I also thought I never made anything for you so...."

"This is not your job, Vaishu," Adi said a little serious, "You have other things to do...the queen's cabinet.....your reading.....sword fighting..."

"Adi it's just tea," I calmly argued.

"Today it is tea, tomorrow it will be lunch," Adi added.

"Actually today I planned on cooking lunch too...."  I said and Adi shook his head in disappointment. 

"You are the Queen, Vaishu. Act like one," he said.

"Then I command you as the queen to drink your tea," I said but quickly regretted saying so for his angry eyes immediately shot up.

Damn! Did I invite trouble?I waited hoping for him to smile and say that this is all a joke but he didn't. 

"Command?" he asked as he took slow intentional steps towards me, "The king of the nine kingdoms?" 

I could feel my heartbeat raising. Every part of my body telling me to retreat. My eyes begging me to look down and my feet almost taking a step back....but I restricted it....forcing myself to stand my ground and not look at the floor.

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