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*** Sruthi ***

The day after the confinement....I thought the Queen would be delighted to see us again...but she wasn't. Usually she would talk to us, laugh, ask about our day or at the very least smile at the stupid things Pallu does but today is different. She just sat down blankly staring into one of her books. I would assume she is missing the king, but the fact that she has not made any attempt to see him conveyed otherwise. 

Something is certainly not right!

"Everything alright, your highness?" I finally asked after exchaging concerning looks with Naina for almost an hour.

The Queen slightly shook her head.

"I..." she hesitated, "I...might..need some help from Meihu."

The library fell completely silent. Pallu who was dancing around immediately stopped and ran away. A concerned Naina went and closed the doors to make sure no one outside the three of us hears our the conversation.

"Your highness, the king would be furious if...." 

"I do not intend to meet her," the queen interrupted. "I....know the negative impact she would have on me and my marriage," she slowly added. "So...I am thinking..." she continued while Naina and I patiently listened, "If I should ask the general to speak with Meihu on my behalf."

I couldn't think of a better idea!

"But then..." she paused for a while before continuing, "that would require me to be vulnerable with him....reveal things that I would rather keep a secret....." 

What secrets could she possibly have?

I feel silent before I heard her voice again. "Should I do it?" she innoncently asked.

I smiled. "I couldn't think of a better person to ask for help, your highness," I genuinely replied.

The Queen nodded still contemplating on her decisions. 

Naina and I looked at each and instantly came to an unspoken conclusion that we need to hurry up and get the general involved before the Queen decides to change her decision.

"Do you wish for me to go inform the general, your highness?" Naina asked. The Queen slightly nodded and Naina immediately left.

"Your highness, would you like to have your evening bath in the meantime?" I asked just to prevent her from thinking further.

The Queen smiled. "Are you offering me a distraction so that I do not change my mind?" she asked.

I remained silent. 

"Sure," the Queen continued and little did I know the danger lurking in the corner.


"Your highness, look whom I got to meet you!" Pallu excitedly shouted the moment we opened the door to the bath chambers and like a devil coming out of the darkness Meihu emerged. She has a warm smile on her face but somehow the mere presence of this women tensed me up. She radiates evil energy.

"How are you, Vaishu?" she said taking a step forward. The Queen immediately stepped back, the fear of meeting her clearly evident on her face. 

"Vaishu, what's wrong with you?" Meihu asked slightly worried.

"Meihu, please leave," the Queen replied calmly and Meihu looked at her completely surprised.

"Vaishu...your husband threatened to burn me alive if I ever meet you....yet I am here because Pallu said you need my help...." Meihu said, "and yet....you are looking at me...as if I am your enemy...."

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