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*** Sruthi ***

(Preview: Sruthi refused to give the king his crown because she wanted him to get closer to the Queen. The King is furious goes searching for Sruthi and Nanda goes before him and pulls her aside. What happens once Adi meets Vaishu was covered in the last chapter)


"Let me go," I said as Kanda pulled me aside into a corner.

"Shut up, Gati," he whispered closing my mouth."The king is going to here soon," he said anxiously looking at the main corridor.

"Oh so he finally going to see the Queen," I said excited pulling his hand down.

"No he is going to kill you for not giving him his bloody crown," Kanda countered. "He's here," he said and we both moved in a little more towards the wall and I found myself trapped between Kanda and the wall.

"He is talking to the guards....Oh God I think he is asking about you...." Kanda started the commentary but for some reason I wasn't able to pay any attention. The proximity between us is affecting me more than it should. 

As I held onto his shirt, felt his arms guarding me, his eyes looking around in anticipation of danger, I almost felt like.....kissing him!

"He went inside the chambers, you should..." Kanda said turning towards me but paused. Perhaps he finally started to notice how close we were standing to each other. He just stopped talking and continued to look into my eyes. 

I am sure this is all in my head, but I felt like he wanted to kiss me too and would have definitely done that had I given him the slightest hint.

*** Nanda ***

I wanted to kiss her!!!

I wanted to kiss a women that I am not married to. A women whom I consider to be my greatest enemy. 

This is embarrassing. 

What happened to my ethics? My morals? My values?

Anyway after what I am sure is an eternity, I finally got myself to stop looking at her and start talking.

"You should....leave," I said.

"...Right," Gati said and started walking towards the main corridor.

"Not that way, silly girl," I said pulling her back, "That's where all the soldiers are!"

"Let's go this way," I said and lead her in the opposite direction.

"One second," I said when we came near my chambers and quickly went inside to find a dupatta.

"Now it will be hard to recognize you," I said putting it over head and her face.

"This one is....from the temple!" Gati said surprised.

"Well that is the only one I could find in my room," I said frustrated.


"You are not my wife Gati," I interrupted, "The veil will not do anything to keep us together. If it does, I would have never put it over your head"

Lie! A complete lie!

I had all intentions of putting that veil over her head. As a matter of fact I was waiting for an excuse and when I found one, I used it!

Do I want her to be my wife? Hell no!

But I do want her in my life. Even if all I could have is a glimpse, even if her presence meant torture, even if her actions cause disasters, I just want her around because without her I am not sure if I would feel alive!

ENCHANTED- BY LOVE (completed)Where stories live. Discover now