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"Those look great, Alpha. You're a quick study!" George sipped his beer with a bright grin on his face as he coached Alex through using a grill for the first time. I watched while chatting with a few pack members, thrilled to see the man I love help in every way he can.

Willow and I decided to wear our matching floral dresses while my mate was in the green shirt I purchased him. The party was well under way, pack members and guests visiting around the lawn behind the pack house while we busied ourselves making sure a constant stream of food made it to the buffet tables.

Kara has never looked happier. Her black hair is pulled back into a high pony tail and John stayed by her side, of course. They spent last night talking about how each had feelings for one another for years. By the time they met us at lunch they were exhausted but beaming. Meg, Violet, and I spoke to Kara for a bit earlier while she got ready for the party which was a special time bonding as a group. We are all newly mated, since Cal and Meg only met about 6 months ago, so moving into this new phase of life with close friends I know I can trust means the world.

I headed inside to refill a couple pitchers of water while Meg joined me with an empty tray that previously held watermelon slices. "Doing okay, Meg?" I asked while scooping ice into the pitchers.

She grinned, letting out a happy sigh before pulling another platter of fresh fruit from the fridge. "Honestly, my feet are a bit sore and back hurts but seeing Kara so happy makes it all worthwhile." Her brown eyes studied me before she asked, "How do you feel? You've been here like 9 days and it's been a whirlwind."

Once the pitchers were ready to go outside I shrugged, "I don't know? I mean, I'm exhausted and wish I could just be in a sex bubble with Alex for 2 weeks but that's not reality."

Meg burst out laughing at my comment and shook her head, then looked around the kitchen. "Hey, where is Willow?"

"With Violet. They're now best buddies."

"I love how she keeps calling you Livvy-poo," she snickered. "Your daughter accepted you from the first moment you two met. Now we get to see the community grow thanks to having a Luna to help our Alpha lead."

"A Luna is nothing without her team, though, Meg. I need you, Kara, and Violet at my side and am so thankful for your friendship."

She blushed lightly and gave me a bright smile. "See ya out there?"

"I'll be right behind you."

I watched her head back to the party and felt my heart ache with love for the pack that made me feel at home from the day I arrived. Pack members wandered inside and sat at tables with their meals while kids raced around the yard playing. Alex handed the grill utensils over to Callum and jogged inside, grinning when he saw me in the kitchen.

"Hiding out?" he asked with a smirk while approaching.

"Maybe I was waiting for you to find me, Alpha," I teased as Alex caged me against the counter, his strong arms flexing while I tried to catch my breath.

"What have I told you about looking at me like this?" His voice was a gravely whisper against my lips before he kissed down my neck then gently nipped at the mark he gave me. "It's not fair, Livvy."

A moan escaped which made him chuckle. I grinned as he pulled back slightly and looked into his eyes. "I was getting more water. Watching you handle the grill made me thirsty."

He laughed harder and shook his head, stepping back while I raised an eyebrow. "Willow won't leave Violet alone but the look on Silas' face when he sees them together is hilarious. That man rarely laughs or shows emotion but now that his mate is here his heart is on his sleeve."

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