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My heart raced as I quickly changed into running shorts and a workout shirt. I stared at myself in the mirror for a long moment and grinned.

Olivia is amazing.

She is obviously nervous around me but that's to be expected. I was relieved she took down the block so I could truly feel the mate bond.   Her touch lit my nerve endings on fire and even hearing her voice as she spoke to someone else made my knees weak.

Taking our time will help us craft a strong foundation to our relationship.  I felt a wave of gratitude that she didn't want to immediately scream that she is our Luna.  That would come across like her only goals were power and control.  Instead, we have the chance to actually create something that will last.  To build a strong friendship which will be the basis for our future.

My relationship with Stephanie was so different from the way everything already is with my mate.  Steph and I had an intense lust with nothing else to keep us connected.  At the time I may have called it love, but once I had space from the toxicity realized that was never the case.  Seeing how easily she abandoned both Willow and me was a harsh wake up call that I made a huge mistake.

Olivia is more vibrant in every way.  I know our intimacy will benefit from growing closer, too.

Her comment about Willow made me even more excited to continue getting to know my sweet mate.  She has her priorities in line which will make this transition go even more smoothly.  Keeping a lower profile is the perfect way for us to spend time as a family.

The family my daughter has always wanted.


Olivia hasn't said my name.  She has only called me Alpha.

I considered that as I jogged down the steps and looked around the room for my soulmate. While I was dying to hear her say my name, I tried to stay calm and not jump to conclusions. Olivia has traveled amongst packs for her entire life. Deferring to authority with respect is a good thing.

She was speaking quietly with Callum near the front doors as I approached. Olivia caught my eye and smiled, a half eaten apple in her hand.  "Alpha? Would you be willing to show me where the training ground is so I can run for a couple miles before we start? I like warming up when I can."

I grinned and nodded, gesturing for the door. "See ya there, Cal. After you, Olivia."

He chuckled as we left and I noticed Liv seem to mind link someone.

Probably her Dad to let him know we were leaving.


The idea made my heart warm with even more affection for the blonde next to me. She jogged down the steps and stretched lightly as I joined her and cleared my throat. "We can head to the left. The gym is near our training grounds and our pack hospital is that direction, too."

Liv chewed a bite of apple then let out a long sigh, "I need to head there later today, so I can settle into my office and get my bearings."

"You have an office?

Olivia met my eyes with a bright smile, "Yeah, it helps when I end up racing there at random times and need somewhere to change or just clear my head. Some deliveries take a long time, so if I'm at the hospital for, like, 14 hours I have the chance to at least breathe for a few.  Doc even got a couch for my office here so I can take a cat nap if I need to.  Last time I worked with him he caught me dozing off a couple times in the break room which was not exactly ideal."

It didn't take a mate bond to see how much she loved working at the hospital. The way she speaks about her work makes my heart warm. This woman is driven and focused.  I have spent most of my life training to be Alpha so I understand the desire to give all you have to your work.

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