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"What should I do?" I whispered as Cal and I had a beer in my office.

Shaylene was transferred to another pack and already left, furious that I would immediately react the way I did. She and I have never dated but it was obvious she wanted power and would do anything to get it.

I am disappointed in myself for the fleeting thought that she could be a partner.  That was never what I wanted.  Now I regret my momentary weakness.

The way Olivia disappeared broke my heart. I knew this was a huge misunderstanding but could not blame her for being upset. Even with a block up I could tell how hurt she is, especially when Liam stared me down before I commanded Shaylene to get her hands off me.

If roles were reversed...

I can't even allow myself to think of that. If I saw another man so much as touch my mate I would have rejected her on the spot. That alone forced me to realize what a hypocrite I was being, but I couldn't help it.

She is mine.

My Gamma sighed and leaned back in the armchair as Liam joined us, eyes dark when they met mine.

"Liam..." I started but he held up his hand.

"Alpha, I know it's a misunderstanding but... so you know how sometimes Alpha's struggle to control their wolves because so much power is going through them that it's hard to rein in?" I nodded, and he continued, "My Livvy is stronger than most Alpha's I've met. Her wolf is exceptional and when she is emotional things get... erratic. I promise you she knows this is a mix up and will calm down but she needs some space to process right now.  Just be patient, okay?"

Callum nodded in agreement, "I've seen it after torture training as well as once when she lost a mom and baby during a delivery. It wasn't her fault since the doctor in charge wouldn't listen to her and made mistakes that caused it, but Liv took it to heart. She went for a run and was really upset then finally talked after she had the chance to think about everything."

Liam let out a sigh. "I'm going to follow her. I'll let you know when I find her, but tomorrow morning we will be at training at 6.  Why don't you plan on catching her before that?"

"Thank you, Liam.  I don't want to do anything that would push her away but please let Olivia know I have no plans to reject her or anything like that. She doesn't need that uncertainty."

"Words are hollow, Alpha.  Livvy knows better than to trust something with no action.  To be honest, anything I say won't matter until she has had the chance to process everything."  He offered a sad smile then left while Cal sighed and shook his head.

"You can say it, Cal."

My friend looked into my eyes and squared his shoulders, confidence both in his posture and words.  "You don't deserve her."

"I know.  I know Olivia is more than I could have ever imagined in a mate and that's without even speaking to her."  I toyed with the label on my beer bottle and shook my head, "I've always hoped I would find my fated mate but this got messy so fast."

He paused, expression softening as he commented, "Well, you will have the chance to fix it.  I know Livvy well and she is nothing if not understanding."

"She shouldn't have to... I mean... Cal, she should have never been put in this situation."

"Of course not but here we are.  You can choose how you move forward."  Cal paused, then offered, "Alex?  You're a good man and strong leader.  Livvy will be a wonderful partner for you so I promise it's worth the patience.  Worth the effort."

ShiftedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora