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Willow loved bouncing around her room in the pack house as Alex, Callum, and John got her bed and shelves loaded into one of the trucks.  We took a load of boxes and laundry baskets right after breakfast so once all of the toddler furniture was moved we can settle in.


Alex has been jittery with excitement since we got up early this morning.  I assumed he would struggle with so much change at once, especially since he has lived in the pack house for most of his life.  Instead he has been nothing but eager and ready to start our new normal.

"So big, Livvy!" Willow giggled while racing around the now empty space that was her bedroom, her black hair in pig tails while she wore a Merida shirt with her jeans.  I was so excited to see her reaction to watching us during archery yesterday.  This sweet toddler gasped and cheered for everyone giving it a try, her enthusiasm infectious even with the wolves that rarely smile.

"You're right!  Your room here is so big now!" I laughed, "It was so nice of KayKay to help get all your books and toys packed so we could take them over to our new house."

She giggled and ran from one side of the room then the other, always giving me a high five on the way, while I checked to do items off my mental list.

Alex is not worried about getting all of his clothes and books moved right away but we have a good portion already at the new house.  Once the dust settles after Kara's party in a few days we can handle the rest.  She plans to take over the suite in the pack house and is excited to get more space.

"Ready?" Kara asked from the doorway as Willow raced to her Aunt.

"Ready!" I confirmed and grabbed a final laundry basket with the last of Willow's toys.

She met my eyes over Willow's head as the toddler clambered into her Aunt's arms.

This is tough for Kara.  Her parents were overprotective and sheltered her so when Willow was born it gave her an outlet for her energy.  They bonded quickly, especially since Alex struggled to deal with becoming an Alpha at only 21 while also grieving so much loss.

Now everything is changing.

"Kara?  Breakfast tomorrow, right?  We can have waffles with the new waffle iron I got on Amazon."

"I love that you ordered so much already, Livvy.  Like, you covered all your bases with that one Amazon shipment," she grinned, green eyes shining while we took one final look around Willow's old room.

I chuckled and grabbed my backpack then followed her into the hall.  "I'm excited to just get everything there so we can really figure out where we want it to go.  The kitchen is pretty set for the moment so getting this little Princess' room arranged is going to be fun."

"Did you order the couch you wanted yet?"

"Yeah, we have a huge sectional couch being delivered next week then a pull out couch for the playroom in case you want to come have sleepovers with us."

Kara grinned and met my eyes, "Thank you, Livvy.  Seriously, that's so kind of you.  I didn't expect you to go through the trouble but it's definitely appreciated."

We headed down the staircase as Alex came back inside, wiping his face on his gray workout shirt.  His eyes caught mine and I know he can tell I like what I see.

I have been nervous about how fast our intimacy has increased but my mate is nothing if not understanding.  My confidence is still shaky so feeling the warmth in his gaze and tenderness in his touch helps more than I can express.

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