chapter 63

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That night when Chat Noir disappeared into his civilian life again, (Name) kept tossing side to side in their bed.
Always waking up from their dreams.
They were all about him.
They hated it.

I have it under control!

They didn't want to make any realizations.
They didn't need them, he was their friend.
Nothing else.

I don't even know his real name for fuck's sake!

But they saw him.
And again,
And again.

His provoking smile.
His pointy fangs.
His piercing slit puples.
His intoxicating green eyes.
His messy blonde hair.
His stupid face.
That stupid adorable face.
His annoyingly attractive voice.
His disgustingly addicting touch.

He was perfect.

They couldn't help but look at the time.
Of course it was 2AM.
Of course they were seeing him even though he wasn't there.

They rubbed their elbow gently.
But there they didn't see him.

But instead the image of Adrien.

It's crazy how much they feel alike.

But Adrien didn't have a shit eating grin, neither was he the teasing type.
He was just Adrien.
Typical rich, sweet model with probably a lot of hidden family issues.

"...Why am I thinking about him now?", they mumbled to themselves, furrowing their eyebrows.
Maybe it was because they were more similar after all.

Or maybe it was because they were polar opposites?

Who cares anyway.

Reaching 3AM, they finally found themselves drifting off to sleep again thanks to their thoughts arguing with each other instead of all of them thinking about Chat Noir.


"So when were you gonna tell me what your deal with Chat Noir is?"

They spat out their lunch.

"NINO! Dude!"

"I'm sorry! You know I can't keep a secret from Alya!"

They groaned and whispered to Alya back, who was grinning fascinated at them.
"There is no deal with him. Me and him just had a talk after he saved me a couple times! That's it!"

Alya eyed them, obviously not believing their poor excuse of a lie and then smiled, "You don't have to go out of your way to lie to me now. Nino already told me, don't worry though, your secret's safe with me.", she finished with a playful wink as (Name) only groaned and banged their head on the table in the cafeteria.

"What secret?" Adrien asked when he approached the table with his lunch.

"That Nino's still scared to sleep without a night lamp."

"(Name)! I trusted you with that dude!"

"Shut the fuck up and eat your lunch."

Adrien and Alya only snickered to themselves while Nino huffed like a child that didn't get their chocolate.
Adrien sat down next to (Name) and discreetly gazed towards their elbow with a slight frown before he cleared his throat.

"So (Name), how are you?", he asked them, resting his head on his hand that was supported by the lunch table. Nino scoffed while Alya grinned to herself.
"So are we just not here or..?" the young DJ complained, obviously pissed since (Name) had revealed an embarrassing fact about him that he told them back in 8th grade during a play of truth or dare.

Alya shushed him shortly after and gestured towards the two.

When Nino saw what she did, he shut up real fast and enjoyed the view.
He wasn't even mad about the fact that Adrien straight up ignored his complaint AND his secret.

Adrien was a blushing mess and even brushed (Name)'s hair from their face since they didn't style their hair again.
(Name) was awfully nice with him and seemed to have forgotten about the other's entirely as well.

"I um.. actually have something for you, hold on."
Adrien rummaged through his bag while holding his index finger up to keep them waiting until he found his small gift— or rather his invitation.

"What did you get them, flowers?" Alya snickered, but got actually curious when she saw the letter. She immediately nudged Nino excited who only nudged her back even more excited about this.

(Name) looked at the letter cluelessly.
"What's that."

"It's a letter, dumbass." Nathaniel chimed in as he sat down on the other free space from them.
For the first time since Adrien walked in on the conversation they actually gave someone else their attention, which was Nathaniel.

They scoffed at him and smacked his shoulder lightly, "I can see that, dofus."
Nathaniel snickered and rubbed his shoulder, a quiet "ouch" escaped his lips even though he knew that the slap didn't even hurt him.

They turned their gaze back to the letter and then to Adrien who was already looking at them quite nervously.
"What for is what I mean."

Adrien laughed gently and shook his head understandingly. "It's an invitation to my last stage walk show. My dad insisted on you attending and even got you a VIP seat."

Alya smiled brightly upon hearing that and immediately texted Marinette, who was sick in bed.

guess lover boy's been talking about someone at home🤭


While Alya continued to ignore the various buzzing from her phone, she intently observed (Name)'s reaction.

(Name) rubbed their head confused and looked at him suspiciously.
"Your father? Of all people? He wants me to be at your show? What about Nino, isn't he your best bud?"

"Yeah man, what about me?"

"Nino, you know my dad can't stand you."

Nino only rolled his eyes sassily, he couldn't stand the man either. "Your birthday was so worth it though, just saying."

Adrien sighed and then turned back to (Name) and shrugged confused himself.
"Honestly, I have no idea. When Nathalie told me that my father wished to see your attendance at the show, I didn't believe her either. But he made sure there would be an extra invitation just for you."

(Name) took the invitation in their hands and turned it over a couple times, still unsure of why Gabriel Agreste, bad father, neglecting father, rich white man, rich OLD white man, FAMOUS MODEL DESIGNER, wants to see a hobo like them.

"... I'll think about it, I guess."

"Careful, Adrien. They'll fall in love if you keep going."

Another ouch was heard from Nathaniel's mouth, however this time it actually hurt.

A lot.

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