chapter 14

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(Name) went to school with the poster for their project with Adrien. Tired tired tired  tiredtiredtiredtiredtired...

They went to bed at like 5AM that night.

I didn't think he'd actually see the letter, let alone come.

They went into the classroom sitting down, already seeing Adrien, who didn't look that good himself either..

I thought he'd have a strict sleeping schedule but what the fuck is this.

They sat down next to him, making Adrien come back to reality as he immediately greeted (Name).
"Good Morning, (Name)!"

"Morning." (Name) mumbled back, wanting to get out.

That's when he noticed the eyebags under (Name)'s eyes. He already took notice that (Name) always had eyebags, but they are usually a bit lighter than these.

"Did you sleep much? You don't look too good.." The boy next to them asked, trying to get more than just one or two words.

"Look at yourself Agreste.." They mumbled back frowning at him.

Did they notice mine or was that just them insulting me?
Adrien just went with the first option, hoping it was the right one.

It was both.

But Adrien himself didn't sleep that well, he also fell asleep at 5AM, thinking about how (Name) invited Chat Noir to play games and how much effort they put into those 'little details' for that poster.

"I see that you got the poster!" Adrien said, attempting to make another start of a conversation, hoping it would last longer than the grumpy reply he got with his last attempt.

(Name) looked at him for a second and then sighed, pulling out the poster and spreading it across the table.

"That's Awesome (Name)! I didn't know you were so talented!" Adrien surprised them by hugging them from the side.

"... are you okay?" they asked awkwardly trying to pull Adrien off of themselves.

"Oh, sorry. I got really happy that we did that together and finished it in less than a week without stressing too much about it." The boy explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

(Name) only stared, trying not to fall asleep and also trying to process the things Adrien just said.
I'm too tired for this shit.
"It's alright I guess.. But not when I'm still so tired."
They said, trying not to sound like a dick to him after all.

Adrien doesn't get excited about things like this,
He got excited because it was with (Name).

The conversation was interrupted when the teacher came in. "Good Morning dear students!"


"But at the end of the day, Love is an incredible feeling no one can really understand nor explain, that's what makes it so special."

The class clapped and the two teenagers looked at each other, the model smiling from ear to ear while his partner was looking satisfied and yet exhausted back.

"Wonderful project you two, after class you can see your grade at the front desk."

"Yes Mrs Mendeleiev." The two kids answered and went to their seat.

or better said Adrien went to Nathaniel's seat since he still can't sit beside Nino.

"Next up Marinette and Sabrina please."

"(Name)! Our project was great don't you think?" Adrien exclaimed happy, he didn't get a reply though.

Are they ignoring me again..?

"(Nam)-, Oh."

(Name) was asleep.
that was fast.

He smiled at them and eventually zoned out, seeing the sceneries of Yesterday evening in his mind again.


Adrien's favourite "subject", but also (Name)'s favourite one.

The time where all the students finally show off their faked personality that they prepared all morning only to be silenced by a teacher and the rules 30 minutes after.

Normally, Adrien's innocent angel self would go and search for (Name) again and eat with them.

However... both of them already presented.

Adrien was thinking of an excuse to approach his fellow classmate once again without it seeming like he's some lost puppy searching for his owner.

But if you think about it more, it does seem exactly like that no matter what excuse he should find.

Sighing, Adrien was about to give up and sulk up to Nino, but before he could go to his best friend he felt a bomb getting thrown at him.

A really big bomb.


This was the voice of the student who despised Adrien the most, simply because he was rich.
Adrien turned around, scared for his life. (Name) started shaking him like crazy and continued talking.


Adrien was under shock from all this excitement they were showing. Seriously, they didn't even show that much adrenaline when they were about to die.

"That's awesome!... Can you please stop shaking me?" He asked still not being able to see his happy project partner.

They stopped shaking him, smiling wildly.

This surprised the blonde model, he never saw (Name) smile so much.
Hell he didn't expect to see (Name) smiling in his presence at all!

"Why is this making you so excited?" He asked the jumpy classmate, feeling himself smiling too.
"Are you kidding me? It's been ages since I got an A again! And it's with a plus too!! I can't imagine how proud my parents will be once they hear that!" the (h/c) haired companion exclaimed with a happy aura.
After a sentence with so many words while smiling that long at someone who (Name) wouldn't normally like to interact with, they felt their face and body relax again and calmed down.

" I owe you something.." They sighed out, and after finishing that sentence, Adrien practically glowed seeing the opportunity from this little sentence.

"Come sit with me and my friends today." (Name) stared at him for a minute, actually hesitating to say no.
"Come on, (Name)! Nino and Marinette said they used to be close with you so there's no strangers involved either!" Adrien continued, not going to accept no as an answer.
"Yeah but me and Nathaniel usually sit together I cant just leave him alone." (Name) excused, they weren't actually sure if they wanted to sit with Adrien and the others or not, but they were sure that they weren't going to leave Nathaniel alone.

"Who says Nathaniel can't sit with us aswell?" The blonde exclaimed.
"You sure that's fine with you guys?"

"Of course! Nathaniel is always welcome!"

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