chapter 55

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The evening was long, but even longer would be the hours back home alone.  Without (Name). Adrien thought to himself as he was staring up at his ceiling from his bed.

"Plagg, am I the weird one for thinking (Name) going out with that guy is just wrong?"


Adrien rolled his eyes and turned his head towards the direction of where Plagg was having a feast with cheese.

Plagg noticed his glare and held up his arms in defense, "Well it's not likely for you to stop a date of someone! Usually you go all supportive even when you don't like it, like when you were invited to Marinette's first date with Luka."

Adrien scrunched up his nose, "That's not true, I liked that Marinette wanted to go out with him." he defended offended. Plagg didn't seem convinced and just stared dumbfounded at his owner.
"Oh you did, huh? Just like the way you like the fact that (Name) will start sucking onto another guy?" I'm getting sick of him acting all blind.

Adrien sat up on his bed, "What the hell is that even supposed to mean?", he asked very irritated which made Plagg scoff at him. "Well, I'm just saying. If that date goes all good (Name) might want to start going on another one with him, and then another one, and before you know it they'll be all over him. Jake I mean, not you."

Adrien spoke up, having enough with Plagg's constant provocation. "Plagg, for the love of God. I do not have a fucking crush on (Name)! They can go out with whoever the fuck they want, the only problem is that it's this guy they're choosing to go out with." Plagg only stared him up and down, he really wanted to take him serious and tried to do exactly that, but..

If you just saw the look in your eyes when you think of them.

Plagg sighed and shrugged, "If you say so." He could feel that his owner was genuinely pissed off at his provoking accusations, so he decided to let it rest.
"How about we just go to bed? For some reason I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a long day."

Adrien sighed, agreeing with his Kwami for once.

He watched as Plagg tugged himself into bed and proceeded to do the same.

That night Adrien slept horribly.

He kept turning to his sides and staring at the ceiling.
Plagg's words repeating in his head as he tried to fall asleep.

And when he did fall asleep, which felt like a whole workout to do so, he regretted every single second of it.


"Hey Chat Noir, I've been thinking.."
I turned my head over to (Name), who was still facing the stars in the night sky.
Their balcony was aesthetically decorated with lights and pillows, since we decided to properly clean up for once.

"What is it?" I asked them as they turned to face me as well.
When we locked our eyes together they smiled at me. I felt giddy, hoping that whatever was coming would be good.

I felt my hand getting grabbed, it was theirs that was embracing mine. "I think we both would look better if we were just..", they leaned towards my face until I could feel their breath on my skin.
"..more.", they smiled.

Oh, how that smile turned me on.
It was almost an under exaggeration to claim that I felt butterflies in my stomach. Those were Elefants partying.

"M-more..?", I asked to which they nodded with a grin.
"Yeah.. more. You know..", their lips touched mine, but they didn't kiss me yet.
Were they going to?
Why do I want them to?
I want them to???
..No I don't.

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