chapter 49

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"Thank you for tonight. I'm sorry if I bothered you."
The hero who matches with the shadows of the night bowed and stood at the door of (Name)'s balcony who has spent at least 3 hours comforting him.

Right when he wanted to jump they grabbed him by his tail, making him turn around in surprise. "How about you come back tomorrow night?", they asked, a small grin on their face.

His pupils dilated while his tail stiffened for a second, his whole aura got brighter.
"See you then, your highness.", he winked at them and left into the night.

(Name) watched him jump away and eventually went back into their own room.

Then, they suddenly slapped themselves with both hands on their cheeks. Their hands left a red stain on their face and they started cursing themselves out. "I'm crazy. I just haven't seen him in a while, that's it."

Yeah. I'm not used to having many friends like Nathaniel. I also miss Nathaniel when he's gone for longer than two days.

They nodded. "He was crying! I had to help him there was nothing else.", they laughed awkwardly to themselves and sat back down on their bed.
I just missed his company. Nothing else.

For some reason, the thoughts that they missed him and that he was nothing more were suddenly bigger and louder than them not even knowing his own name.


When Chat Noir arrived at his home, Felix was nowhere to be seen.
"Claws out.", he whispered cautiously, as it was still the middle of the night.

"So did you and your lover make up or what?", Plagg suddenly asked making him jump in surprise, having forgotten about him when thinking of his cousin's whereabouts.

He turned to him confused, "What lover?" he asked, acting a bit more clueless than he is. Plagg rolled his eyes, "(Name). You seemed pretty happy about them letting you come by again."
Adrien defensively turned his face to the side, "It's nothing like that, Plagg. They simply.." he stopped for a second, trying to think of a word, but when he thought of them a grin creeped up on his face without him wanting that.
"They simply listened to me.", he said, smiling a little too hard for receiving basic acknowledgement of his feelings.

Plagg rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath, "Keep saying stuff with that expression of yours and you can go apply for a clown job."

Then he flew over to his owner and rested on his shoulder, "But.. I am pretty exhausted, so I understand the need of comfort today."
Adrien's eyes softened at his Kwami as he pat his head lightly, "Let's go and have a good amount of sleep and cheese."

Plagg smiled and closed his eyes while resting on Adrien's shoulder, "I'm really happy you decided to keep me after all the trouble you went through."

"..Me too."


School got cancelled for the next few days since the city assumed the "childen were too scarred of the past night's events", which isn't exactly a lie.

(Name) thought they would die of a heart attack everytime Chat Noir took a hit.

Marinette couldn't move her body from how sore she was.

Alya cried thinking her best friend would die.

Adrien had to hold himself together through all of it.

Luka was worried sick, hating himself for not being able to help his girlfriend and best friend.

Safe to say it was trauma premium for the children.

So, when Adrien woke up the next morning, he groaned, feeling like he had a hang over.

That morning at breakfast Adrien found out that Felix left the night before.
Nathalie (fortunately) assumed that Adrien must have been asleep at the time where they left.

He called (Name) once he was done with eating while Plagg was still fast asleep.


"Hey! I uh.. Were you still asleep?"


Adrien snickered, They were definitely sleeping.

"Sorry if I woke you up. But, I heard about what yesterday happened and I wanted to apologize to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Uh.. Chat Noir confronted me yesterday, asking me about-"

He suddenly heard them groan and some other noises from the phone, they sat up on their bed.

"I told him it wasn't you. Sorry that he still came to you with it though. Look, your cousin.. Felix? Was that his name? Whatever. He was trying to be real funny by dressing up and acting as you. Don't worry, I know it wasn't you."

Adrien stayed silent, wondering how they could tell.

"That's good. Still, I'm sorry that he bothered you."

"It's okay. Next time I'll actually punch his pretty face off. Sorry about Chat Noir though, I guess he didn't listen to me."

Adrien frowned offended, I always listen to you! he thought, staring at his phone.

Shortly after the phone call ended and Adrien sighed relieved. He knew they knew it wasn't him, but for some reason he still felt like he was responsible for this ever happening.
He didn't know what he'd do with Felix yet and how he would approach him, so he let it slide at first and told himself he'd handle it later.

He took his shower and got dressed as usual, being ready for the day in case of some unexpected meeting or photoshoot.

Out of boredom he laid back on his bed and glanced over at Plagg, who was sleeping soundly.

"How about you come back tomorrow night?"
A smile formed on his face and he felt himself sighing.
I'm just glad that things are going back to normal..

He picked up his phone and stared at his screen.
Staring at them smiling.

They have the same smile.

he thought as he looked at the framed picture of his mother that was placed next to his bed on his small commode.

His pupils dilated when he realized this.
He sat back up and took the frame into his hand, his phone still unlocked.

No wonder I was so fond of them from the start! He thought to himself, comparing the pictures side to side.
They indeed did have the same smile, which made Adrien unexplainably happy.
The only other person he ever met that had the same smile as his mother was Ladybug.

It comforted him knowing that (Name) had the prettiest smile in the world, his mother's smile.

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