chapter 38

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"Mom, I'm going out." I called out from my door, grabbing my keys and earphones.
"Where?", she yelled back.

"The Park?"

"Which one?"

I am not in the mood for this. I groaned rolling my eyes to the back of my head. I walked downstairs to the direction of the front door and blandly answered.
"The one in Paris."

I heard a faint chuckle coming from the living room and took that as a go.
"Bye, love you."
"Love you too, hun."

Listening to my playlist, I walked to the park not caring about anything that was happening outside my music.

Even though I didn't purposefully catch the happenings on the outside, for some reason my eye still caught something.
Turning to the faint greenish light behind a pillar filled with glued up ad posters, I stopped walking. What the...
I knew that green light from somewhere. I couldn't think of where I saw it before though.
Contemplating wether or not I should check the pillar, I stood still just staring at it, waiting for something to happen.

But nothing happened. That's how 8 out of 10 kidnapping scenarios happen. I am not gonna do this today.
So I kept going.

Arriving at the park, I wasn't in the mood to aimlessly walk around and look for some glowing person, so I decided to call Adrien and ask him where he was at directly.

Before he picked up his phone, I heard his ring tone and turned to his direction.
His ring tone was the tune of space unicorn, I tried not to laugh.

"Hey.", he smiled and noticed me almost immediately after I rang him shortly.
"When was the last time you changed your ringtone?" I smirked at the model who was wearing a cap and sunglasses.

Why is he wearing that. It's not even that sunny. I looked up at the sky, seeing nothing but a ton of clouds hovering over the park.


Adrien saw how (Name) was looking up to the sky, and then back at him with a confused expression.

He sighed and came closer to them, wrapping an arm around their shoulder, he leaned into their ear and lowered his voice.
"I'm not supposed to be outside right now. My father would be furious if he'd see a picture of me being out right now."

That didn't really help them completely, after a couple seconds of silence they finally 'oh'd.
"Oh right, you're like, famous." They concluded, to which he sweatdropped but nodded.

"Well then why didn't you just ask to hang at my place? My parents wouldn't care if I brought someone over." They asked, wondering why the hell he'd go through that stress of having to stay undercover in a city where his face is on almost every ad you can see.

Adrien opened his mouth, and then closed it again. To be honest, he didn't think that that was an option. (Name) figured that much after seeing his speechless reply and sighed, slapping their hand on their forehead. "I can't believe someone as dense as you is a heartbreaker."
Offended he gasped, "What does that even mean!?", (Name) snickered and went forward, "Come on, princess. I'll treat you ice cream and then we'll play some Mario at my place."
Princess? Adrien thought to himself embarrassed. He couldn't tell if it was a compliment or an insult, but it got his heart beating out of it's usual rhythm for a second.

(Name) stared at Adrien's choice of ice cream flavor, a smile unknowingly forming on their face.
"You know you picked the same flavor Ch-", they stopped talking and stared at Adrien for a second.
Adrien stared back, a nervous look on his face as if he was mirroring (Name) and both knew they'd have to continue talking. So Adrien tried to play dumb and pretend as if he didn't know whose name they were about to say.
"Err- A friend of mine, always picks.", they chuckled nervously with the worst transition of word selection known to mankind.

"A friend of yours? They must have good taste then." Adrien claimed, knowing well that he's the friend.

He watched as (Name) snickered and nodded. "You're as full of yourself as him too."
Adrien laughed and they kept talking while eating the ice cream and slowly walking back to (Name)'s place again.


"Mom, I'm home! I brought a guest.", (Name) called out while getting out of their shoes. They turned to ask Adrien if he wanted anything to eat but stared at him for a solid minute.
"Agreste." They said, closing their eyes.
"I brought you here so that you don't look like... that." They opened their eyes again, looking him up and down.

Adrien got the message and quickly put off his ridiculous sized sunglasses and his hat. (Name) nodded approvingly and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Opening the fridge they observed everything that was in there, their eyes staying on a specific dessert.
We still have left over pie.. they smiled to themselves for a moment, then turned to Adrien.
"Want some cake?" They asked, already getting out the cake and only accepting yes as the next response.

"I don't know, I already had some yesterday.." Adrien hesitated, averting his gaze to the ground. (Name) only stared at him, "So?" They asked dumbfounded, already cutting him a piece.
"Uhm.. I'm kinda on a strict diet..", realizing that he's being really obvious he quickly continued nervously. "..For my modeling agency. Ha ha." He nervously laughed not being able to look into their eyes, afraid that they might suspect anything.
And they did look suspiciously at him.
Not because they were suspecting he was Chat Noir though.
...Why the hell is everyone I offer this cake to on a diet?!

"Yeah okay, but that just means cheat day's today.", they smirked shortly after, pushing the plate on the table to where he was standing.
Adrien hesitated, contemplating if he should remind them that he just said he had pie yesterday. But in the end, he really wanted to eat that pie.

He shrugged and accepted it, taking the plate in his hand and waiting for them to lead the way. (Name) cut a piece for their mom as well and brought it to her, then they turned back to him and walked upstairs into their room.

"So.." they started their sentence, putting their plate with cake on their desk and turning the tv on.
"You think you could beat me at Mario Party?" They grinned competitively and held up two joy cons.

Adrien smirked back at them, nodding and then shoving a piece of his cake into his mouth. "Totawy."
His eyes were piercing into their heart for just a small second, but that second was enough to catch them off guard.

What? They looked taken aback at him.

(Name) knew those eyes already.

But for some reason, now they couldn't tell who they remind them of.

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